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    Russian military reports that nuclear submarines are conducting strike drills near the US mainland

    2024-06-13 09:47:23 Source: Global Times Small large

    On June 11, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that a nuclear submarine and a frigate of the Russian Navy had conducted a long-range strike exercise, and the two warships were in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the Florida coast of the United States.

     Russian military reports that nuclear submarines are conducting strike drills near the US mainland

    "Kazan" nuclear submarine

    According to the report of Russia Today (RT) on the 11th, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian navy fleet had conducted a long-range strike exercise in the Atlantic waters on its way to Cuba. RT said that this fleet includes the most modern warship of the Russian navy, the Yasen class nuclear submarine No. 2 "Kazan" and the first ship of the Admiral class frigate "Gorshkov Admiral", as well as the oil tanker "Pashin" and the salvage tugboat "Nikolay Chikel".

    The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that during the exercise, "Kazan" and "Admiral Gorshkov" carried out simulated long-range strikes against enemy naval targets more than 600 kilometers away. It is said that the main long-range strike weapons of "Kazan" and "Admiral Gorshkov" are cruise missiles, which can carry a series of munitions including "Onyx" anti-ship cruise missiles, "calibre" cruise missiles and even "Zircon" hypersonic missiles.

    Reported that the Russian naval fleet will arrive in Cuba on the 12th for a visit, and will stay until June 17.

    According to the US "theater" website, the US and its allies' warships and aircraft are closely tracking the Russian fleet. According to the published navigation data, the Russian ship was once less than 30 miles from the Florida coast of the United States when sailing from the Atlantic Ocean to Cuba. In the reports of the US media, it was also mentioned that the Russian side reported that the warship formation simulated attacks on hostile targets during the navigation.

    According to US media, the US military has dispatched two Burke class destroyers, the US Coast Guard has dispatched a legendary patrol ship, and the Canadian Navy has dispatched a Halifax class frigate to respond to the actions of the Russian fleet. In addition, the US Navy and the Canadian Navy also dispatched P-8A "Poseidon" anti submarine aircraft and CP-140 maritime patrol aircraft to help monitor Russian ships. According to the "Theater of Operations" website, since the "Kazan" nuclear submarine can represent Russia's most advanced technology in the field of nuclear submarines, the operation of monitoring the Russian fleet is particularly valuable for the US military.

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    ( Responsible editor Xu Chao )

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