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The god of war fights day and night!

The god of war fights day and night!
12:37, June 30, 2024 Southern theater
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Original title: The god of war fights day and night!


Air Force Aviation Corps

Set actual combat background, organize multiple models

Cross day and night flight training

Refine the all-weather combat capability of the army

"Report, check complete request slide out"

After completing pre flight preparations

The pilot reports to the commander

The fighter glides to the takeoff line in echelon

Waiting for takeoff command

"Timed takeoff"

At the command of the commander

Several multi type fighters lift off in turn

The wingman quickly joins the leader

Form combat formations in the air

Flying through complex routes

Arrive in mission airspace

After arriving at the mission airspace

The pilot has found the target

Immediately report to the commander for simulated bombing


The pilot stabilizes the aircraft route

The weapon controller waits for an opportunity to aim at the target

The crew operates steadily and cooperates closely

Missile precision hit

The aircraft then returned

I just got off the plane

Instructors compare flight parameters

Point out the deficiencies in flight training

Maintenance personnel quickly fill and hang

Night falls

Battle hawk formation

Crew boarding again

Night flight training kicked off

pilot Aviation
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