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"What kind of blue army we want to be"

"What kind of blue army we want to be"
12:10, June 20, 2024 pla daily
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Original title: "What kind of blue army we want to become"

Pick out the "spikes" that affect the improvement of combat effectiveness one by one

"Build a real battlefield here" - this is a slogan posted in the "Blue Army Training Room" of a detachment of the Second Mobile Corps of the Armed Police Force.

When the Blue Army team was formed, there was no such slogan in the study room, which was added later. Because at that time, there was a question mark in everyone's mind: "What kind of blue army are we going to be?"

The word "Blue Army" is no stranger. Before the establishment of the Blue Team, many coaches and top trainers played the role of the Blue Team in some trainings.

"As a part of the battlefield environment, first of all, clothing and props should keep up with" "smoke smell should be strong, and the confrontation system should be mastered" "The confrontation area is generally small"... At the seminar when it was just founded, I heard everyone talk about their understanding of the Blue Army, The leader of the detachment said: "Don't set limits on yourself, remember that there is only one task, that is, starting from the needs of actual combat, let yourself become a needle, and pick out the 'thorns' that affect the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the troops."

To become a needle that can pick "spikes", you must first be good at yourself. How to do this? The Blues team chose to let the team members first give themselves a "portrait" of their performance when they used to act as a "sharpener". With your review, some problems of the Blue Army have also been put on the table.

"Sometimes, the blue army has become a supporting role in the training and has not really fought against each other," said the staff officer of the team, who is training Koma. "This has become a problem that the blue army team needs to solve first."

The presentation of some new ideas reflects the achievements of the phased efforts of the Blue Army units and changes in their concepts. "Restore the 'biggest trouble' Red Party may encounter in actual combat as far as possible" "Deliver moves in a reasonable and unexpected way" "Make good use of innovative thinking and dare to force Red Party into a desperate situation"

During this process, "Build a real battlefield here" was written as a slogan and posted in the "Blue Army Research Room".

Shortly afterwards, a red blue confrontation training of "anti hijacking of high-rise buildings" demonstrated the achievements of the blue army team's thinking and exploration.

In this confrontation training, the red team members were prompted to carry shotguns according to the requirements of live firing. This arrangement surprised the red team: how to use live ammunition when the playing field is so small?

At the beginning of the confrontation, the Red Party members immediately found a difference - "violent terrorists" not only moved frequently, but also used bunkers to alert, which caused great trouble for the Red Party to approach and scout. The building door is closed, it is not feasible to enter the building from the ground and launch an attack.

A variety of variables forced the Red Party to adjust its action plan by lowering the broken window into the house. At this time, the red team members understood the purpose of carrying live ammunition - shotguns were needed to break windows.

The situation was also different from that of the past when the red team members plunged into the house. Blue team members rely on indoor facilities and layout to launch close attack and defense with the red team.

"The battlefield, the battle and the battle situation are getting closer and closer to the actual combat," said Staff Officer Ma. "This is the result of the efforts of the Blue Army units."

The new way of confrontation has aroused heated discussion among the officers and men of the detachment, and at the same time, it also makes everyone start to look forward to: what will the Blue Army detachment bring next time?

Embed "opponent perspective" into daily training and tactics research

Before the start of a "collaborative sniping" training, sniper Wu Yunlong did not expect that there would be members of the Blue Army team participating in this daily training.

"This is the magic of the 'dynamic blue army'." A leader of the detachment said, "Most of the members of the blue army are the backbone of various professions. They can become 'blue army' at any time, construct scenes and launch red blue confrontation."

Training is about to begin. Looking at several blue team members, Wu Yunlong felt pressure: "Which link will go wrong?"

"They know everything about everyone." Wu Yunlong met several red team members and thought that the key point was to try not to let the blue side find themselves, and at the same time, to prevent the opponent from harassing and destroying in key links.

Wu Yunlong thought that the general direction was right. However, after the confrontation began, he gradually felt something was wrong: there were no problems in the pre prepared links. It was not until he reached the observation point that he was surprised: a wall blocked the target tightly. It is impossible to detect the enemy's situation and shoot the target behind the wall only with the weapons and equipment you carry.

After communicating with his teammates at other points, Wu Yunlong realized that other people could not form an effective shooting condition due to wall blocking.

"How can we fight this?" After the training, Wu Yunlong felt aggrieved.

"Why should the target follow your idea?" "Did you carry out reconnaissance in advance?" "Did you prepare for echelon fire?" Facing a series of questions from the blue team members, the red team members realized that the problem was the solidification of thinking!

"Our role is like the catfish in the fishbowl," said Zhu Jiahong, who led the Blue Army detachment. "The task assigned by the detachment is to constantly stir up and eliminate the assumptions in the minds of officers and soldiers."

"The Blue Army actually provides a 'opponent's perspective'." The leaders of the detachment have a clear idea: "We should not only focus on large-scale organization of confrontation, but also focus on daily training, constantly embed the 'opponent's perspective' in the training field, and promote the practical thinking and strain awareness to penetrate into the blood of officers and soldiers in the constant emergence of new problems and problems."

Yang Tong, a member of the Blue Army team and a UAV coach, has a deep understanding of this. In the red blue confrontation, he found that some red UAV pilots did not pay much attention to combat formation and effective enemy avoidance in order to pursue the stability of signal transmission. Therefore, he cooperated with the sniper and took the UAV pilot as the key target, so that the Red UAV pilot enhanced the awareness of survival in the battlefield in the "defeat of Maicheng".

"The flexible embedding of the members of the blue army unit has made more and more officers and soldiers start to rethink the actual combat and know the 'enemy'." The leader of the unit said, "The experience of 'setting questions' again and again has also made the members of the blue army unit start to think about problems at a higher level and constantly improve the training and fighting methods."

After the "question" of "wall as shield", Zhu Jiahong led the sniper team to explore and practice how to "answer questions". They use UAVs to carry out reconnaissance and master the hidden position of the target, and then in the "collaborative sniping", try to use anti equipment sniper rifles to carry out wall piercing attacks to achieve their goals.

Only when some difficult problems are raised in time can we remind officers and soldiers to "continue to work hard"

"Misidentification of booby traps" "Incorrect operation of removing explosives"

Through binoculars, Sui Zhenjun, a member of the Blue Army team and a professional explosion search and disposal coach, closely observed the action of the red operator to remove explosives, and recorded the problems found from time to time.

This is a red and blue team confrontation against the background of actual combat. Sui Zhenjun, on behalf of Lan Fang, set up a simulated explosive disposal site. Due to the number of booby traps, complex routes and hidden mine burial sites, it has been difficult for many red teams to search for and dispose of explosives, and some operators have also been "killed".

Seeing that several teams were blocked at the same link, Sui Zhenjun thought to himself, "Is the question too difficult?"

This is not the first time that Sui Zhenjun has made such a difficult question. Because, according to the idea of the detachment leader, it is necessary to timely raise some such problems and remind officers and soldiers to "continue to work hard".

Of course, Sui Zhenjun also knew that this kind of difficulty was not because the Red Party operators did not know how to eliminate explosives, but because "too much questions".

"The pressure is already great, not to mention that so many 'troubles' are piled up in front of the officers and soldiers at once." Sui Zhenjun thought the same way before. However, the words of the leader of the detachment reminded him: "Will this happen in the course of action? What will happen to the officers and soldiers in case of encountering it?"

Fortunately, there is a "solution" to the problem. In some cases, when the red blue confrontation is stuck due to the concentrated presentation of problems, the on-site teaching begins. This time, in the simulated explosive disposal field, Sui Zhenjun led the backbone of the search and disposal operation, and demonstrated how to quickly detect, identify, and remove the pressure detonators and integrated circuit explosives hidden everywhere, and organized intensive training.

At the same time of setting difficult "examination questions", with the support of the detachment, the Blue Army detachment also made great efforts in setting true "examination questions".

According to the evaluation of the leader of the detachment, Wang Chao, a member of the Blue Army detachment and a pistol shooting coach, has "taken a big step forward" in this regard.

Wang Chao found some defects in the use of ordinary moving targets when organizing the training of the course "Shooting at moving targets". The forward speed of this target is adjustable, but the path is relatively fixed. Long term practice with it will enable the shooter to form the inertial thinking of shooting after the target reaches a certain position. In this way, although the shooting performance of officers and soldiers is good, it is of little practical significance. Because, in the actual combat environment, violent terrorists are often in a fast change of direction movement, whether fleeing or fighting back.

Soon, in a red blue confrontation training, the red team members met a new "target" - the moving target manipulated by the blue team. This new target can move and change direction quickly by placing a human shaped target on a remote control vehicle and operating it by a person.

"The 'examination questions' are difficult and true, and confrontation is meaningful." Under this idea, the blue army units constantly change their moves:

——In order to improve the ability of officers and soldiers to "identify and shoot", the Blue Army team made "alternate targets" to present the action environment of violent terrorists when they hold hostages.

——In order to strengthen the ability of officers and soldiers to remove explosives, the Blue Army detachment loaded "explosives" into daily necessities, so that operators must "use their brains first" when searching for and removing explosives.

With the deepening of the Red Blue confrontation, the combat effectiveness of the detachment is also spiraling.

Confrontation is not simply "one question and one answer", but more "comprehensive questions"

In a "bus anti hijacking" confrontation, the red team members once again encountered a new situation - the blue side manipulated the crossing plane to carry explosives directly to the red side checkpoint, blew up the path, and then drove the "hijacked" bus out of the blocking ring.

Before that, Blue Fang also refitted the bus and replaced it with glass with higher strength, which made Red Fang unable to fully use its previous means of attack.

"If you pay close attention to it, you will find that the questions of the Blue Army team have changed a lot. The confrontation is not a simple 'question and answer', but more a 'comprehensive question'." A leader of the team said, "In particular, the background setting of the purpose of the question is more and more consistent with the actual situation of the current economic and technological development, which forces Red Party to face the new situation and new changes and constantly come up with new overall solutions."

It was also this time that the Red Party saw the way out and completed the "bus anti hijacking" action by means of mixed attack convoys, remote targeting of drones, and targeted snipers. After the training, a set of relatively mature "bus anti hijacking" tactics began to be promoted within the detachment.

"The 'sharpener' is playing a more and more important role, which can be seen." The leader said, "This is the result of the continuous innovation of the Blue Army team."

How to become a qualified "knife sharpener" of Red Square? This is a question that the Blues have been thinking about. Nowadays, it is their new choice to borrow more from technology.

The newly built shooting shelter provides convenient conditions for carrying out red blue confrontation training. As members of the blue army team, Li Haili and her comrades in arms can sit in front of the computer and input instructions. They can display the task environment on the screen in the shooting shelter, and conduct interactive confrontation with the red team members who are training in the shelter in the way of digital simulation of the blue army.

The changes in recent years made Li Haili sigh: "This process makes me really feel what the upsurge of combat training is."

Soon, the detachment will go to a strange area for field training. There are dense forests, rivers and different buildings. A new round of red and blue confrontation training will be carried out in an all-round way.

How to play a better role? A strange place in the distance is waiting for the blue army team to start a new exploration with new "questions".

Make good use of the "whetstone" of the blue army unit

Shen Taisheng

President Xi emphasized that we should strengthen case based confrontational training. To carry out case based confrontational training in a down-to-earth manner is conducive to better studying the opponent, deepening the application of the tactics and training methods, and testing the effectiveness of military training.

Practice has proved that the more "like" the enemy situation is set, the more "true" the environment is set, and the more "live" the situation is set, the more problems in the generation of combat effectiveness can be found. In order to organize confrontation and achieve results, it is important to select "opponents". Whether the knife is fast or not depends to some extent on whether the sharpener is hard or not.

As an opponent that can be normalized to the Red Party's "hand over" and "fight" with the Red Party, the premise of giving full play to the role of "sharpening stone" is that the leaders of the unit should first change their ideas and truly build a strong blue army unit. In this way, the training and preparation can be better targeted, and the antagonistic training can be closer to the actual combat.

As the imaginary enemy of the army, it is very important for the blue army unit to create a realistic battlefield environment for the red side. In brief, it is necessary to stand on the opponent's point of view, deeply analyze and judge what the opponent is doing and what he will do next, so as to force the Red Party to find weaknesses in various confrontation environments, and constantly promote the Red Party to improve its combat effectiveness in complementing weaknesses.

To play the role of "sharpening stone" of the Blue Army unit, we should focus on the current battlefield and win the "war of tomorrow". We should actively encourage the blue army units to design "combat" and confrontation based on the needs and development of the troops, and set up more difficult, dangerous, dangerous, and difficult situations. Especially in the current era of the continuous development of information warfare and artificial intelligence, we should strengthen the introduction of new elements such as information confrontation and command confrontation, promote the timely follow-up of the troops, change their concepts, and continue to improve their resilience.

We should give full play to the role of the blue army units in the recovery, and do a good job in the next article on the generation of combat effectiveness. In the confrontation, the blue team, as the opponent of the red side, is more clear about the problem of the red side. Even for some hidden problems in training, the Blues often see them more clearly because they are "opponents". Therefore, it is necessary to give further play to the role of the blue army unit as a mirror, fully listen to their opinions and suggestions in the resumption, truly learn from a setback, and improve the combat effectiveness once you fight.

[Editor: Shao Wanyun]

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