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PLA Joint Exercise and Training Interprets Important Taiwan Signals: Anyone who plays with fire will burn himself

PLA Joint Exercise and Training Interprets Important Taiwan Signals: Anyone who plays with fire will burn himself
15:51, May 24, 2024 China News Network
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Former Title: PLA Joint Exercise and Training Explains Important Taiwan Signals: Those who play with fire must burn themselves

China news agency, Beijing, May 24, by wire, Title: The PLA's Joint Exercise and Training Explains Important Taiwan Signals: Those who play with fire must burn themselves

Author Li Chun Xie Yanbing

On the 23rd, the Chinese state media sent two consecutive messages announcing that the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is located in the Taiwan Strait, and that the northern, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan Island and the surrounding areas of Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island will carry out joint exercises and training; The "United Sword - 2024A" exercise was held around Weitai Island. On the 24th, the Eastern Theater sent another message: continue to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Bitai Island.

Why does the PLA conduct exercises and drills at this time? What are the considerations for regional selection? Interviewed Chinese military experts said that the exercise and training exercise had three layers of deep meaning, and sent out an important signal: playing with fire will lead to self immolation, and "Taiwan independence" can only be a dead end.

   New Normal of "Reversed Sausage"

Shortly after the so-called "inaugural address" by the leaders of Taiwan, the PLA organized relevant exercises and drills. Zhang Chi, a military expert, believes that Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech is an out and out confession of "Taiwan independence", indicating that the DPP authorities are going further and further on the dangerous road of "Taiwan independence". The PLA organized relevant exercises and drills aimed at the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and external forces' collusion and provocation, "we are confident and capable of safeguarding the country's sovereign unity and territorial integrity".

In recent years, external forces and the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly attacked the red line and bottom line of the Chinese mainland by "cutting sausages". In this regard, in April last year, the PLA eastern theater carried out a patrol and a "joint sword" exercise around Taiwan Island. In August of the same year, the PLA eastern theater organized a joint patrol and joint exercises around Taiwan Island. After Lai Qingde's "5 · 20" speech, the PLA carried out drills again.

Zhang Chi pointed out that the PLA's countervailing action sent a clear signal that the PLA would make progress as long as the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoked once, which is a new normal of "anti sausage".

Compared with the PLA's previous counter action, Zheng Hong of the Naval Research Institute further analyzed and said, "This time, the scale is larger, the flavor of combat is stronger, and more areas are involved".

   New breakthrough in the exercise area

According to official news, the PLA's joint exercise and training area is located in the Taiwan Strait, in the north, south and east of Taiwan Island, and around Kinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island, and Dongyin Island. On the 23rd, the eastern theater also released the map of the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise area.

"From this diagram, it is of great significance to carry out joint strike drills in the sea and air in three directions." Zhang Chi pointed out that conducting drills in the northern part of Taiwan Island is not only a deterrent to important political and military targets in northern Taiwan, but also a "blow" to the DPP authorities.

Tainan is the stronghold of the "Taiwan independence" forces, and Taiwan's largest port and the important garrison of Taiwan's "navy" are also located in this area. Zhang Chi pointed out that the PLA's drills in the southern part of Taiwan Island, the political assault on the "Taiwan independence" stronghold, the economic blockade of Taiwan Island, and the military demonstration of being able to trap Taiwan's "navy" firmly in Hong Kong are a powerful deterrent to the "Taiwan independence" forces' illusion of "seeking independence by force".

The expert also said that the exercise in the eastern part of Taiwan Island showed that the PLA had the ability to block the "lifeline" of Taiwan's energy imports, the "escape line" of "Taiwan independence" forces fleeing outward, and the "support line" of external forces providing assistance to "Taiwan independence" forces.

Compared with the previous counter-measures, this drill has also made new breakthroughs in regional selection. Meng Xiangqing, a professor of the National Defense University, said, "This exercise also involves the outer islands of Taiwan. Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island were less involved in the past. This time, the coast guard ships entered the so-called 'restricted waters' of Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island for the first time, completely breaking the DPP authorities' cognitive narrative about the so-called' prohibited and restricted waters'".

   Innovative new practices

According to Li Xi, the spokesman of the Eastern Theater of Operations, the army, navy, air force, rocket corps and other forces in the theater of operations all participated in the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, and joint precision targeting of key targets.

Experts believe that seizing the comprehensive control of Taiwan Island is one of the highlights of this exercise. "This time, the PLA's land, sea, air and fire forces have been deeply united and closely coordinated, especially the new territory and new quality forces have also joined in. For example, space-based support, power grid support, information support, etc. have all played an important role, promoting the acquisition of air, sea and information dominance, and demonstrating the PLA's strong combat system of joint victory," said Meng Xiangqing.

Zhang Chi pointed out that the PLA focused on the new mode of blockade of Taiwan Island, which was a creative exploration and practice, both from the planning of the exercise area and the setting of the subject content.

"From point to line and then to surface, this exercise and training exercise released an important signal: playing with fire will lead to self immolation, and 'Taiwan independence' can only be a dead end," Zheng Hong said. (End)

[Editor: Li Yan]

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