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Xinhua News Commentary | This Wave of "Recognition" Makes the United States More Isolated

Xinhua News Commentary | This Wave of "Recognition" Makes the United States More Isolated
08:24, May 24, 2024 Xinhua News Agency
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Original title: Xinhua News Review | This wave of "recognition" has made the United States more isolated

Xinhua News Agency, Lam Allah, on May 23: This wave of "recognition" has made the United States more isolated

Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zemin, Liu Weijian

Norway, Spain and Ireland announced the recognition of the Palestinian State on the 22nd. Not long ago, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas and other countries also announced the recognition of the Palestinian State. As the United States obstructed the process of Palestinian statehood for a long time, the recent wave of "recognition" once again reflects that more countries are on the side of fairness and justice, reflecting the aspirations of the international community.

Independent statehood is the long cherished wish of the Palestinian people. In 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization announced the establishment of Palestine, which was recognized by more than 130 countries, excluding most western countries. Therefore, the departure of the three European countries from the United States this time sends a strong signal that the United States is becoming increasingly isolated on the Palestinian Israeli issue.

Joining the United Nations formally is a key step for Palestine to establish an independent state. As early as September 2011, Palestine submitted an application. At that time, the Security Council action was suspended due to the opposition of the United States. In April this year, Palestine's application to become a full member of the United Nations was once again ruthlessly rejected by the United States in the Security Council. UN Secretary General Guterres recently appealed to the international community to help Palestine realize its long cherished wish of establishing a sovereign and independent state.

 This is a photograph of Palestinian children in a refugee camp in Khan Younis, the southern city of the Gaza Strip, on May 22. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Rizek Abduljawad) This is a photograph of Palestinian children in a refugee camp in Khan Younis, the southern city of the Gaza Strip, on May 22. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Rizek Abduljawad)

The Palestinian people's delay in realizing their legitimate national rights to independent statehood, the long-standing historical injustice that has not been corrected, and the delay in implementing the "two State solution" have become the crux of the Palestinian Israeli conflict. For many years, Israel, as the occupying party, has continuously eroded the basis of the "two State solution". The current conflict that has lasted for more than seven months is more likely to completely destroy the prospects of the "two State solution". Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict last October, both sides have suffered heavy casualties, including more than 35700 Palestinian deaths and nearly 80000 injuries caused by Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip.

It is the strong voice of the international community and the common responsibility of all parties to support and promote the process of Palestinian independent statehood and provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of the "Two State Plan" and the realization of lasting peace in the Middle East. The Palestinian question is the core of the Middle East issue, which is of vital importance to peace and stability in the Middle East and international fairness and justice. Irish Prime Minister Harris said in a social media message on the 22nd that recognition of the Palestinian State is a decision that clearly supports the "two State solution", is the only reliable way for Israel, Palestine and their people to achieve peace and security, and will contribute to peace and reconciliation in the Middle East. Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez mentioned in his speech that Spain made this decision only for "peace and justice". Recently, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, reaffirming the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including independent statehood, confirming that Palestine is eligible to become a full member of the United Nations, and recommending that the Security Council actively review Palestine's application for membership in the United Nations, which reflects the aspirations of the international community.

On May 22, in the West Bank city of Jenin, a burning tire gave off thick smoke. According to a statement issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health on the 22nd, the Israeli army carried out military operations in the West Bank city of Jenin for the second day in a row, resulting in 8 deaths and 24 injuries. Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Aiman Nobani)

More realistically, this wave of "recognition" is seen as conducive to saving the "two country plan" and will promote more interested countries to "take a step forward". Hugh Lovat, senior policy researcher of the European Commission on Foreign Relations, said that recognition of the Palestinian State was a concrete step towards a viable political path leading to the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. The New York Times pointed out that the recognition of the Palestinian State by the three European countries reflects that more and more countries believe that recognition of Palestinian sovereignty does not have to wait until a permanent peace agreement is reached between Palestine and Israel. Secretary General Gheit of the League of Arab States issued a statement welcoming the decision of the three European countries and calling on those countries that have not yet recognized the Palestinian State to take "courageous and principled" actions.

Although more and more countries are on the side of fairness and justice, there is still a long way to go for Palestine to establish its own state, and the biggest resistance is the United States. On the 22nd, US media quoted a US official as saying that the US government opposes the decision of the three European countries to recognize the Palestinian state. For a long time, the United States, on the one hand, claims that the solution to the Palestinian Israeli problem lies in the "two state solution", on the other hand, it refuses to recognize the existence of Palestine as a state. Standing on the opposite side of the international community, international morality and human conscience, it turns a deaf ear to the call for justice and insists on going ahead, calling for a ceasefire while supplying arms; While talking about rescue, he set up obstacles, which left an extremely disgraceful record in history. The British Guardian commented that the trend of European countries recognizing the Palestinian State will have an important impact, indicating that the "dominance" of the United States in the Palestinian Israeli peace process is weakening.

The historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people needs to be corrected urgently, and the top priority is to promote a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel and achieve regional peace. Norwegian Foreign Minister Eide said that Norway hoped that the decision to recognize the Palestinian State would encourage the Palestinian and Israeli sides to restart peace negotiations. It is expected that this wave of "recognition" will encourage more countries to show political courage, comply with international calls, make the right choices and help the Palestinian Israeli peace process.

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