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The Russian army said that it "recaptured" the symbolic achievement of the Ukrainian army's counter offensive last year

The Russian army said that it "recaptured" the symbolic achievement of the Ukrainian army's counter offensive last year
17:22, May 23, 2024 Reference News
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Former title: The Russian army said that the "recapture" of the Ukrainian army marked the achievement of last year's counter offensive

   According to the Russian Daily on May 23, the Russian armed forces regained control of the village of Kleyevka in the Donetsk region through bitter fighting. This settlement and the village of Labodino, also recaptured by the Russian army, are symbols of the achievements of Ukraine's counter offensive last year.

On May 22, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the news of the recapture of the village of Kleyevka. The Russian Ministry of Defense said: "Under the active action of the 'South' military cluster forces, the Kleyevka settlement in Donetsk was' liberated '."

According to the report, in addition, the "South" military cluster also attacked the Ukrainian army in three residential areas of Georgievka, Ostroye and Konstantinovka.

The protracted battle for Kleyevka began in 2023. Control of the village has changed hands several times. The main target is the adjacent highland, from which the military activities of the whole village can be monitored. (Compiled by He Yingjun)

 [Editor in charge: Wang Jinzhi]

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