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The Israeli army continues the Jenin offensive against Palestinian armed groups to attack Israeli targets

The Israeli army continues the Jenin offensive against Palestinian armed groups to attack Israeli targets
11:45, May 23, 2024 CCTV Network
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Former title: Israeli army continues Jenin offensive against Palestinian armed groups to attack Israeli targets

On the 22nd local time, Israeli troops continued their military operations against the Palestinian city of Jenin in the West Bank and the Jenin refugee camp. Palestinian armed groups said that they had attacked Israeli military personnel and their vehicles in many places in the Gaza Strip.

On the 22nd, the Israel Defense Forces said that they continued to engage in gunfire with Palestinian armed personnel in the Jenin area and destroyed the infrastructure used by a large number of armed personnel. Since the 21st, Israeli military operations have killed 8 Palestinians and injured more than 20. The day before, the Israeli army launched military operations in Jebaliya, Rafah and other places in the Gaza Strip, attacking about 70 targets, including the weapons depots and observation posts of the Palestinian armed groups.

The "Al Quds Brigade" subordinate to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization, Al Quds Brigade, released a video on the 22nd, saying it had attacked Israeli soldiers and vehicles in the east of Jebaliya. The day before, the armed faction "Qassam Brigade" under Hamas of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement said that in the east of Jebaliya and Rafah, Israeli soldiers' vehicles and tanks were attacked with rockets and mortars.

 [Editor in charge: Wang Jinzhi]

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