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There is a shortage of thousands of "scrapped combat vehicles"

There is a shortage of thousands of "scrapped combat vehicles"
17:25, May 22, 2024 Reference News
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Original title: There is a shortage of thousands of combat vehicles for the Urumqi Army, and "scrapped combat vehicles are also needed"

   According to a report on the website of the German Munich Courier on May 21, the pressure faced by Ukrainian President Zelensky comes not only from the front line, but also from equipment. Ukraine hopes to use new mobilization methods to fill the gap in its military strength, but it also exposes the lack of armored combat vehicles such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

According to the report, modern warfare requires infantry to cooperate with armored combat vehicles. Without chariot cover, infantry has no defense on the battlefield. Without infantry, the chariot is easily destroyed by the enemy infantry with anti tank weapons.

Ukraine has a shortage of thousands of combat vehicles, especially the American M2 "Bradley" or German "Weasel" heavy infantry combat vehicles. Due to the lack of infantry fighting vehicles, the 153rd mechanized brigade in Ukraine is no longer mechanized. The only remaining infantry fighting vehicles have been assigned to the troops.

According to statistics, since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has obtained about 7500 combat vehicles of all kinds from NATO countries. The country was originally equipped with thousands of vehicles. But at present, the battle damage has reached 5000 vehicles. The reason why the Urumqi army lost so many chariots was due to improper use. According to the tactical requirements of NATO, in order to achieve the best results, the ratio of main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles should be 1:1 or 1-2, and 40 to 60 vehicles should be dispatched at a time. However, Ukraine still uses the tactics of the eastern camp to launch attacks with a small group of troops, resulting in the lack of cover of the main battle tanks, especially in minefields, which become targets of enemy fire.

In order to make up for the shortage in quantity, western countries have started to provide Ukraine with old American M113 infantry fighting vehicles, but the speed of assistance still cannot keep up with the losses. For example, Canada provided 50 infantry combat vehicles to Ukraine in one year, but Ukraine's loss in the same period was about 10 times that.

Alessandra Ustinova, chairman of the Ukrainian Armed Services Commission, said: "Ukrainians are willing to accept scrapped combat vehicles, disassemble them into parts, and use three vehicles to assemble one that can be used. This is something that can protect our soldiers." (Compilation/Wang Qing)

 [Editor in charge: Wang Jinzhi]

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