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Norway and Germany jointly develop anti-ship missiles

Norway and Germany jointly develop anti-ship missiles
15:44, May 16, 2024 Reference News
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Former title: Norway and Germany jointly develop anti-ship missiles

   According to a report on the website of the Munich Courier on May 13, Norway's Constable Defence and Aerospace signed a contract with German partner Deere Defence and the European Missile Group to jointly promote the development of "supersonic precision guided weapons" in Norway and Germany. This weapon is called 3SM "Tyre Front", or "supersonic strike missile".

It is reported that the Norwegian government will announce to develop this new "super weapon" in November 2023. The above three enterprises have now officially announced that they will join hands for this purpose. This is indispensable for the successful completion of the project.

On the 13th, Constable Defence and Aerospace announced that this cooperation will combine the advantages of various enterprises and decades of experience in missile research and development. In order to define what is the "world's most advanced long-range guidance weapon", the R&D team will work closely with the military and scientific research institutions of both countries.

It is reported that 3SM "Tyre Front" is an anti-ship missile, which will replace the existing similar products of Constable Defense and Aerospace. This new supersonic missile is planned to be equipped with the army from 2035 and installed on German and Norwegian naval ships. Its research and development work will ensure Norway's leading position in the international missile market, and strengthen the national defense capabilities of Norway and Germany in the context of the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

According to the report, 3SM "Tyre Front" is not the only military project jointly developed by Norway and Germany at present. Since the end of 2023, the two countries have also jointly built large submarines in Kiel, Germany. (Compiled by/Wang Qing)

 [Editor in charge: Wang Jinzhi]

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