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Senior intelligence officer of Urumqi army: the battlefield situation is "precarious"

Senior intelligence officer of Urumqi army: the battlefield situation is "precarious"
08:38, May 16, 2024 Reference News
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Former title: senior intelligence officer of Urumqi Army: "The battlefield situation is in danger"

   According to the report on the website of today's Russian TV station on May 14, Kirilo Budanov, director of the General Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, warned in an interview with the New York Times that the dangerous battlefield situation in Ukraine would deteriorate in the near future. As Russia continued to seize cities and territories, Budanov claimed that the situation was "precarious".

According to the report, after the attack on the 10th, Moscow occupied several villages in the north of Kharkov State in Ukraine. For several months, Kiev has been using the region to launch cross-border attacks on the Russian state of Belgorod.

Budanov told the New York Times that the intention of the Russian side's action was obviously to make Ukrainian reservists tired of fighting. This may create an opportunity for Russia to seize Chasovyar. Chasovyar is a city of strategic importance in Donbas, about 200 kilometers southeast of Kharkov.

Budanov told the New York Times on the 13th that "the situation is precarious. The situation is slipping into a critical situation every hour."

According to the report, Budanov believed that Kiev would be able to stabilize the situation, but Russia's next step would be to launch a similar attack on Sumy, 150 kilometers northwest of Kharkov. He expects this to happen in a few days.

According to reports, the Ukrainian military leadership acknowledged that Russia has achieved "tactical success" in relevant regions, and said that Ukraine has deployed reservists as a response measure. Budanov told the New York Times that due to the measures taken, Kiev partially disrupted Moscow's plan. However, the New York Times pointed out that the move of Kiev's troops might weaken its defense in other places. (Compiled by Du Yuanjiang)

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