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It will be more entertaining and joyful - Zhou Heiya and E-sports sparking

Source: Sohu Mobile Tour Author: Contributed by media
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In recent years, the development of the e-sports market has been in full swing, especially the phenomenon level influence of Jedi Survival around the world once it was launched. This game has not only become popular in the streets, but also led the upsurge of players, Internet cafes, and e-sports halls to update their hardware. The E-sports competition for Jedi's survival has also received great attention worldwide. As the country with the largest number of players, Jedi survival competitions at all levels also emerge in endlessly.

On the afternoon of April 21, in the X-WAR E-sports Hall in Guangzhou, 16 Jedi survival teams composed of nearly 100 black duck fans participated in the 100 person event of "opening the group to take off, just keep on!". The atmosphere at the event was very lively. Not only did the little sister with long legs coser wear the cosy clothes of the game characters and hold a weapon model to take a group photo with everyone, but also some military fans came to the scene to interact with everyone while staying at the third level and wearing auspicious clothes. Their lifelike costumes made the atmosphere at the event site rise to another level~

In addition to the coser on the spot, all the players participating in the competition and the fans of Zhou Heiya members who came to watch the game left a beautiful message between themselves and Xiao Zhouzhou on the activity commemorative signature wall set up at the gate of our E-sports hall. Xiao Zhouzhou also gave a very powerful feedback to everyone's enthusiasm and gave exquisite companion gifts to the players present.

After three rounds of intense points competition selection, the participating teams showed their respective abilities, and finally kicked out the team representing Zhou Heiya to participate in the CIEF China International E-sports Festival.

This activity further deepened the impression of Xiao Zhou, chief surprise officer of Zhou Heiya, in the fan community, and narrowed the distance between fans and brands. In addition, this activity has greatly enriched the social circle of Zhou Heiya's members. With the offline interaction provided by Xiaozhou, members can establish contacts, make offline engagements, and become passionate, laying the foundation for more offline activities in the future. The "Positive Gang" activity will also become the most influential and popular topic for the members of Zhou Heiya's E-sports circle after studying and working.

The CIEF International E-sports Festival, the first comprehensive E-sports festival in China, is a three-day event. The full and crowded scene shows the players' enthusiasm for games and e-sports all the time. Among the many on-site activities, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the CIEF International E-sports Festival Enterprise Cup Grand Prix. Eight well-known enterprises stand out from many auditions: Zhou Heiya, Hewei, Bawang, Postal, Tencent Wangka Eight well-known enterprises, ofo Little Yellow Car, 5sing, and Manyou Culture, formed an e-sports team to compete on the spot in e-sports events such as Jedi Survival and King Glory.

In the competition of the Jedi Survival Project, Zhou Heiya's "Entertaining and Not Hungry" team competed with seven other teams. After five rounds of fierce competition, four players showed their full strength in the final. They won the first place twice with perfect team cooperation and accurate marksmanship, and finally ranked first among the eight teams with a total score of 2110 points! Zhou Heiya's "Entertaining without Hunger" team successfully took the champion of the first Enterprise Cup Jedi Survival Competition into his own pocket! At the same time, in the competition for supremacy project, five members of the team also achieved good results by virtue of their excellent teamwork.

As a mature leisure food brand in China, Zhou Heiya's target group is young consumers. In order to be closer to the target consumer group, Zhou Heiya's marketing strategy focuses on shaping a young and fashionable brand image. As the most popular and potential game and e-sports project, Jedi Survival is very entertaining and topical. The in-depth cooperation between A-list stars and chicken eating anchors in team games, participating in the establishment of clubs and other e-sports is the most powerful proof of the excellent entertainment properties of this game. This time, taking the survival of the Jedi as the starting point, combined with the E-sports, perfectly interpreted the brand concept of "more fun".

As one of the strategic plans for publicizing the corporate culture of Zhou Heiya, it is combined with e-sports. By virtue of the characteristics of the chicken eating competition, which is universal, highly active, highly concerned, hot, and popular, it creates an e-sports activity of "100 people team battle, positive hard" running through Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Xiamen, and invites other enterprises to participate in the "no plug-in, positive hard" e-sports enterprise competition, Further expand the influence of the brand. At the moment when the e-sports market is booming, Zhou Heiya, who has always been close to young people, also pays attention to and supports the development of e-sports culture. Compared with the market value, Zhou Heiya is more interested in the positive energy guidance and potential huge social circle brought to young people by E-sports. In the future, it will become the snack brand with the highest popularity, the most influential activity, the hottest topic, and the most entertaining among young people's e-sports community.

mgame.sohu.com true Sohu Mobile Tour http://mgame.sohu.com/20180507/n536900058.shtml report four thousand four hundred and fourteen In recent years, the development of the e-sports market has been in full swing, especially the phenomenon level influence of Jedi Survival around the world once it was launched. This game has not only become popular in the streets, but also led the upsurge of players, Internet cafes, and e-sports halls to update their hardware.
(Editor in charge: Song Weiyu)

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