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The live broadcast anchor Bai Qi attended the annual conference of online cultural industry and was praised

Source: Sohu Mobile Tour Author: Contributed by media
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From December 12 to 14, 2017 China Internet Culture Industry Annual Conference was opened in Wuhan. The annual meeting with the theme of "strong network, strong culture and strong industry" was approved by the Ministry of Culture and co sponsored by China Animation Group, Wuhan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture. The popular anchor Bai Qi (room number of the live broadcast room: 3777853) was invited to attend this online cultural festival. At the meeting, Bai Qi shared some ideas about his live broadcast concept and gave a talent show, which was well received by the audience.

Touchlive has always positioned itself as a simple and full of positive energy live game platform. It is strict with the anchor, carefully checks the live content, and keeps in mind its social responsibility as an emerging network culture enterprise.

Bai Qi also mentioned that because he loves games and mobile e-sports, he gathered with thousands of players on the live broadcasting platform. In addition to his role as the anchor, Bai Qi is also a college student. Live broadcast and games are his two hobbies besides his extracurricular life. I like playing games and sharing my good experience and experience with my friends. I also like that my friends can know themselves through the platform of live broadcasting and play with me in the game.

Bai Qi is still the cover character in the admission brochure of his university. His words and deeds can be said to represent the image of his school. In the daily live broadcast, Bai Qi pays great attention to his guidance to fans. He said that for fans, as college students, in addition to game technology, he hoped fans could learn more about their attitude to life and learning in his studio.

For a long time, the game has always been the image of a monster in parents' minds, and it is a consensus that playing with things is disappointing. But Bai Qi hopes to do his best to change this phenomenon, so that fans can understand that the game is just a pastime of extracurricular life. Reasonably arrange the time between the game and learning and life, and like it rather than indulge in it. "In the future, I will continue to work hard to improve myself from the game technology, show more wonderful operations to everyone, and be a positive anchor full of positive energy", Bai Qi mentioned.

Later, Bai Qi also brought a song "Little Luck" to the audience. For him, it was a little luck to be invited to discuss the development and future of live games with relevant government authorities, well-known enterprises, experts and scholars, and industry media from an ordinary student. It is expected that this still somewhat shy boy will realize his ideal in live games in the coming year.

mgame.sohu.com true Sohu Mobile Tour http://mgame.sohu.com/20171214/n525242145.shtml report one thousand four hundred and twenty-nine From December 12 to 14, 2017 China Internet Culture Industry Annual Conference was opened in Wuhan. The annual meeting with the theme of "strong network, strong culture and strong industry" was approved by the Ministry of Culture, and was organized by China Animation Group, the Publicity Department of Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture
(Editor in charge: Song Weiyu)

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