
Opened 7 weeks ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#7556 new enhancement

Run PCP function to test plugin in plugin submission process

Reported by:  barrykooij's profile barrykooij Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


When a user submits a new plugin to the directory, we want to run a function within PCP which checks if the new submission passes a collection of automated checks. If not, we want to block the submission and inform the user why.

The first version within PCP would be a set of PHPCS rules that are always blocking. Later we can expand on this with for example a readme parser. We are discussing what PHPCS rules should be included on Github:

This trac ticket is to talk about if this is possible and how we can do this.

Change History (1)

#1 @ dd32
7 weeks ago

To integrate it...

The minimum we need to know is:

  • Whether this plugin is a PASS or FAIL.
  • Any errors/warnings/notes etc.

A pass with a long list of errors is acceptable, if those errors might be false-positives, as long as we have a way of knowing that it's a PASS/FAIL.

What we need code wise:

  • A function (or class method, or even WP-CLI command!) that can be provided an arbritrary folder on disk (ie. /tmp/plugin-submission-123oeiwlsf ), any metadata about the plugin needed (ie. uploader name), and can return the above information.
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