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five votes
five answers

Convert association to matrix / list

one vote
one answer
one hundred and eleven views

Variables in a Package

zero votes
one answer
one hundred and fifteen views

Is it possible to split the last cell in a group of cells, such that the split-off part remains grouped with the old group? How can one achieve this?

two votes
four answers
two hundred and eighty-five views

Taking only particular subsets and doing calculations

four votes
four answers
two hundred and twenty-four views

Quit the loop if encounter error message

eight votes
eight answers
eight hundred and thirty-eight views

How to create a list of lists using Range[]

fourteen votes
twelve answers

Divide all but the maximal element in a list by 10?

zero votes
three answers
three hundred and eighty-one views

How can i replace the symbols in a list?

one vote
zero answers
fifty-eight views

Derivative of a summation

one vote
zero answers
seventy-four views

Sum doesn't work as I expected

seven votes
four answers

How is it possible to check if a function is even or odd?

sixteen votes
three answers

Generating Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns

one vote
zero answers
fifty-one views

Error message: Coefficient : 0 is not a valid variable in DSolve

 Confuse-ray30's user avatar
  • three hundred and eighty-seven
three votes
one answer
one hundred and twenty-four views

Blurry shadows of 3D plots and objects

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