Current Focus Areas

Training Team Goals for 2024

Categorize a post as Highlight to add it to this section.


Categorize a post as Project to add it to this section.

Other Work in Progress

Categorize a post as Work in Progress to add it to this section.

Training Team Meeting Recap – 13th June 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub . You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log . (If you don’t have a Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at . account, you can set one up .)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 18 attendees @lada7042 , @devmuhib , @west7 , @zeelthakkar , @jagirbahesh , @piyopiyofox , @pooja9712 , @rcreators (async) , @gmrafi (async) , @voboghure (async) , @digitalchild (async) , @sumitsingh (async) , @bsanevans (async) , @freewebmentor (async) , @cnormandigital (async) , @zoonini (async) , @ironnysh (async) , @sierratr (async)

Welcome, to all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week:

@mukisaorg , @ksthannan

For those who are new here, the WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through educational content hosted on .

If you haven’t seen them yet, then I recommend checking out our  onboarding program , and our  Guide Program


Meeting Note Takers

June 13 – @zeelthakkar
June 20 –  @jagirbahesh
June 27 –  @Arun Sharma
July 4 – looking for volunteer

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes on this  handbook page .

Looking for feedback

The Training Team has had an  Administration project board  in GitHub GitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. for a couple of years. With the majority of project tracking now happening on the team blog, team reps are planning on cleaning out the board, leaving just the meeting agenda and handbook feedback items. Are any team members still actively using this board?

Looking for volunteers

  • @Jonathan   and  @westnz  started triaging the Tutorials in  this spreadsheet , marking those that the team should keep, modify, or retire. There are still over 100 Tutorials that need triaging. Feel free to add your thoughts directly in the spreadsheet, or comment here if you need assistance.

Other News

Our  WordCamp Europe 2024 Contributor Day  post is now up for contributors to review. You can participate either in person or online, so click this link to find out how to contribute Try and get a group photo.

Join The Thumbnail Creation Project to design graphics for the new site! Participate at WCEU’s Contributor Day Contributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. . or remotely. Check out the new handbook page for guidelines on creating video and event thumbnails for Learn WordPress and the Online Workshop group. Use the provided thumbnail generator for all Courses, Lessons, and Online Workshops.

Join our June Content Creation Coffee Hours! It’s a great chance for anyone working on or interested in learning pathway content to meet, discuss projects, ask questions, or find new content to work on. Meetings alternate between two time zones each month.

Check out these informal discovery and Q&A sessions about the Five for the Future program at WCEU this week for companies interested in joining. Sessions are on Saturday, June 15, at 9:00 AM and 3:15 PM, meeting at the Community Booth. The location might change based on attendance. Spread the word and refer to the newly published Five for the Future Handbook for more information. Thank you!

Come and Contribute

Feedback awaiting validation

Contributor Acknowledgement

Badges awarded:

Project Updates

Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress   June 3rd Update : A theme switcher now lets you preview the new theme on the production site Production Site A production site is a live site online meant to be viewed by your visitors, as opposed to a site that is staged for development or testing. , with all its data. You can try it at: -theme=1

Faculty Updates

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?

    @lada7042 created a lesson on the Group block Block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. and worked on video editing and publishing. She encountered issues but received assistance from @westnz .

    @piyopiyofox began as a Guide in the Guide Program, onboarded @Jamie Madden as a new co-rep, and is actively involved in the content maintenance proposal while creating a half-year goals post.

    @westnz has recently created two new lessons for the Intermediate user learning pathway and is involved in the Guide program.

    @devmuhib recently co-hosted workshops on “WordPress Support Engineer Roles and Responsibilities” and “Training Team WordCamp WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more . Europe Contributor Day Online” with @jagirbahesh . He is actively managing HelpScout tickets, onboarded two new content creators this week, and is currently triaging GitHub issues related to content translation.

    @zoonini is currently coordinating a thumbnail creation/replacement project, matching guides with new contributors, and overseeing the Faculty program retirement proposal. She is also involved in coordinating marketing and communication plans for the site relaunch and recently hosted an online workshop with @westnz on recording impressive demos.

  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?

    @westnz is completing work on the custom post-type video.

    @Jamie Madden reviewed tutorials provided by @westnz and @Jonathan .

Open Discussions

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar . If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the  #training Slack channel at any time.

# learn-wordpress , # meeting-recap , # training , # training-team

Training Team 2024 Half Year Review

Hey there friends! With it now being June, it’s time for the team to take a look at how we are tracking toward the goals we set at the beginning of the year. We will use this post as a guide for ongoing conversations in our team meetings going forward as well.

Outlined below are the goals we have completed, what is currently in progress, and the details of the goal’s current state.

We have completed 4 out of 7 goals for the first half of the year, and have 5 goals from the second half of this year currently in progress.

You can review our 2024 goals in this Training Team Goals for 2024 post.

✅ = Complete

🚧 = In Progress

January to March 2024 – 1 Completed, and 3 In Progress

🚧 Create a Marketing Campaign for Learning Pathways with Marketing (Complete Q2)

  • Launch communication plan  shared in GitHub , including a video tour of the new site

🚧 Brainstorm the evolution of Online Workshops

  • We are working to send out a survey to folks in our Online Workshops meetup Meetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through . A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. group to get their feedback on how they’d like to see Online Workshops evolve

Implement data analyzing practices to gauge the health and effectiveness of the Training Team and Learn’s Content

🚧 Create  Learning Pathway  Content

  • We have launched the Beginner WordPress User Learning Pathway to date, and are due to launch three more Pathways by the end of July

April to June 2024 – 3 out of 3 Completed

See Learn redesign to completion with Learning Pathways as the focus

Create and maintain shared resources that promote the Training Team and Learn

Create or update a handbook page that clarifies where people’s contributions to the team will appear/be displayed

July to September 2024 – 5 out of 5 In Progress

🚧 Work with the Community team to promote Learning Pathways at Meetups

  • We’ve been encouraged to share updates with the Community Team so that they can include it in their monthly newsletter

🚧 Figure out a method to manage localized content translation

🚧 Launch Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress

🚧 Migrate/Deprecate Learn content

🚧 Run 1-2 outcome/project-based course cohorts

We will review our goals in this week’s team meeting.

# training-notifications

X-post: Localization and translation of HelpHub during WCEU 2024

X-comment from : Comment on Localization and translation of HelpHub during WCEU 2024

Thumbnail Creation Project

In preparation for the relaunch of and Learning Pathways scheduled for July, we need to create a large quantity of small graphics – called thumbnails – to serve as featured images for each course, lesson, and tutorial. This will create a visually appealing site that will entice learners to dive in and get started on their learning journey.

We invite volunteers at WCEU’s Contributor Day on June 13 – and beyond – to pitch in and create as many of these thumbnails as possible. Even if you’re not attending WCEU in person, you’re welcome to help out. Just follow the steps below, and let the team know in the #training channel in Slack so we can recognize your contributions.

Thank you in advance to everyone who’s able to lend a hand with this group effort! We’ll keep the project going for as long as needed.


  • Create a free Figma account – required.
  • Download the Figma app – optional, as Figma can also be run in the browser.
  • Carefully read the Figma thumbnail generator guide in the Design handbook and watch the video walkthrough. (Also below)
  • Generate a couple of test thumbnails, exporting, and verify that they look as expected.
See transcript below the video here


Step 1: Choose your content

  • Open the content-tracking spreadsheet. (You’ll find the link in the Training team’s Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at . bookmarks – screenshot .)
  • Working from the top down in one of the three sheets (tabs), choose a lesson, course, or tutorial for which you’ll create a thumbnail. (Ignore anything with a “Deprecated” status.)
  • Put your name in the Thumbnail by column to claim it.
  • For those who speak a language other than English, see if there are any lessons, courses, or tutorials in that language and prioritize those first.

Step 2: Create your thumbnail

Create the thumbnail by going through the thumbnail creation guide , also following these important points specific to this project:

  • Vary the colour palette and slide template style. Try not to repeat the same template or colour palette on consecutive images. Keep in mind that the order in which the content is listed in the spreadsheet is the order in which the thumbnails will appear on the site, so the idea is to vary the thumbnail styles and colours that are next to each other.  The goal is to end up with something a bit random like this:

And not end up with something where there are a lot of the same colour-palette variations repeated next to each other, like this:

  • Copy-paste the course/lesson/tutorial title into the text area of the thumbnail generator, from the column that says Lesson (tutorial/course) title – for copying. It’s not obligatory to use the title in your graphic; if you find a great image to represent the course/lesson/tutorial, feel free to use one of the templates without text. (More on finding images below.)  
  • We are not using Faces or Guest names for these thumbnails. If you’ve chosen a template with any Faces (avatars), click the Faces component and click the eye icon next to it to hide it, or right-click the component and select the “Show/Hide” option in the menu.

  • Similarly, if you’re using a template with Guest names, select the Speaker component and and click the eye icon next to it to hide it, or right-click the component and select the “Show/Hide” option in the menu.

  • If you’ve chosen a template that features an image (other than the ones that feature a preselected Block Block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor image), replace it with an open source Open Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. image from the WordPress Photo Directory , Openverse , or Pexels . Make sure no credit is required in the image’s license terms.

Step 3: Export, upload, and record your thumbnail

  • Export your thumbnail by following the handbook instructions . Rename the file using this naming convention: yyyy-mm-dd-name-of-tutorial-or-other-content-type
    Example: 2024-06-13-introducing-the-twenty-twenty-four-theme for a tutorial titled “Introducing the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.” (Do not use any spaces or uppercase letters in the file name.) The file will automatically be given the .png extension by the generator – don’t change it.
  • Upload the thumbnail file to the Google Drive, in either the Courses, Lessons, or Tutorials folder. (You’ll find the link in the Training team’s Slack bookmarks – screenshot .)
  • In the spreadsheet’s Thumbnail URL URL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL column, paste the URL from the Google Drive by clicking the three dots next to the file > Share > Copy link.
  • Leave all other columns blank, unless you receive further instructions.
  • If you haven’t been able to upload thumbnails for all the ones you “claimed” in step 1, go back and remove your name next to that piece of content so someone else can get to it.


  • Thumbnail creation guide .
  • Google Drive for uploading thumbnails – the drive has sub-folders for these three content types:
    • Courses
    • Lessons
    • Tutorials
  • Content tracking spreadsheet

For security reasons, you’ll find links to the Google Drive and tracking spreadsheet in the Training team’s Slack bookmarks:

 #training team Slack - bookmarks in the "Thumbnail project" folder

Training Team Meeting Recap – 6th June 2024

This meeting followed  this meeting agenda in GitHub . You can see conversations from the meeting in this  Slack Log . (If you don’t have a  Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at .  account, you can  set one up .)

There were 22 attendees  @ bsanevans , @ piyopiyofox , @ devmuhib , @ kafleg , @ mobarak , @ digitalchild , @ lada7042 , @ west7 , @ zeelthakkar (async), @ freewebmentor (async), @ jhimross (async), @ rithika3 (async), @ dextorlobo (async), @ jagirbahesh (async), @ voboghure (async), @ sumitsingh (async), @ ironnysh (async), @ psykro (async), @ cnormandigital (async), @ zoonini (async), @ backpocketACE (async), and @ amitpatelmd (async)

Welcome, to all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week:

@ imrakibul , @ nishitajoshi , @ rithika3 , @ skbakar , @ dhaval59 , @ neeldoshii , @ mdasharhussain , @ zabamd , @ jinax , @ herrfeldmann , @ sohan005 , @ aimsinfosofts , and @ developer1996


  Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

We got some input from a Marketing team member last week. Please continue to contribute to this conversation by  providing your thoughts on the post by June 13th.

The team has had an administration project board for a couple of years. With the majority of project tracking now happening on the team blog, team reps are planning on cleaning out the board, leaving just meeting agenda and handbook feedback items.  Are any team members still actively using this board?

  • Faculty program retirement

We’d like to share a proposal to retire  the Faculty program in its current form . This proposal was already discussed within the Faculty group, and since the overall consensus was to go ahead with retiring the program, we’re now sharing the proposal with the whole team before we move forward with any of the suggested steps.

@ bsanevans has proposed the below plan to the team and team agreed on that. Below are the @ bsanevans proposal:

Firstly, we wanted to give a huge thank you for all your hard work in keeping things running so smoothly. Thanks to you all, we’ve been able to set up team processes, catch up on a backlog of tasks, and set ourselves up for future success.

Over the past while, we’ve observed that the Faculty program is due for a rethink. For example, many folks in the Faculty group are no longer active on the team at all, and there are many roles that are under-used and difficult to recruit for. As well, there’s a level of administrative overhead that’s somewhat complicated, and having to be part of the Faculty program may be seen by contributors as a barrier to doing certain types of work on the team. Finally, the now-established Guide Program serves as a welcoming path for people to get more involved in the team.

We’ve been thinking of ways to streamline things to make the team run more efficiently. In turn, this should free up time to focus more on higher-impact areas.

In thinking things over, we’d like to suggest retiring the Faculty program in its current form. We propose the following steps:

  • Add a new area in the handbook, outlining the history of  and the Training team. This section would also include the names of past team reps and Faculty members, so that folks’ contributions are visible and recognized in the context of the Training team’s history.
  • Shift the work done by the current Faculty Admin group to a smaller group of administrators, starting with the team reps. Additional admins will be added over time, while the current admin needs of the team are reassessed. We will likely look for Training team members who have made consistent contributions over the last 6-12 months.
  • Update the handbook to remove the Faculty Program section.
  • Feedback on sharing experienced content creator processes with the team

@ psykro  and  @ west7  have identified a need for content creators to view their content creation process. They plan to add the following links as additional resources to the “Create a Lesson” page. They are also considering creating an informal video recording of these processes to support visual learners.  We welcome any feedback or concerns you might have regarding this plan.

Looking for volunteers

  • Tutorial deprecation

To simplify , two content types will be gradually phased out: tutorials and lesson plans. As a first step, before launching the new site some outdated tutorials are going to be unpublished. A redirect will be added for each one, to send visitors to the most relevant alternative content.

@ west7 and  @ psykro  have already started going through all existing tutorials to note whether they should be kept, deprecated (unpublished), or updated.

We are looking for volunteers to continue going through  the rest of the tutorials  to indicate the status of each (keep/deprecate/update) and a potential redirect URL URL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL .  If you are available, please make edits directly to the spreadsheet.

Note that some of this content is in languages other than English, but you could use an online translation tool to translate the tutorial title to help determine whether it’s still relevant or has a more up-to-date equivalent tutorial or lesson.

Other news

You can participate either in person or online, so click this link above to find out how to contribute  :blush:   WordCamp WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more . EU Contributor Day Contributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. . will be happening on June 13th.

  • The WordPress Project’s Video Thumbnail Generator

The WordPress project has a new handbook page  on how to create video and event thumbnails.   Going forward, please use this thumbnail generator for all thumbnails that need to be created for Courses, Lessons, and Online Workshops.

When using the generator, please first watch the walkthrough video shared on  the handbook page . I’ll also link the video here:

All Online Workshops going forward should use the same pale blue template as this image. This is also noted  in our handbook   :blush:

This is a big process change for the team. So don’t hesitate to ask questions in this channel as you get used to using the thumbnail generator  :raised_hands::skin-tone-3:  

After WordCamp Europe, I will be absent from the team for three months, taking a sabbatical from work and WordPress contributions. I’ll be back from September 25th, though, so don’t worry  :wink:

While I’m away,   @ digitalchild  will be stepping in as interim team lead. Please see the post above for more details.

  • Training team updates

Take a moment to read the newest editions:

  • June Content Creation Coffee Hours

This is an opportunity for anyone working on learning pathway content or anyone interested in learning pathway content to meet, discuss what content they are working on, ask questions, or find content to work on for the learning pathways. Currently, we alternate meetings between two time zones each month.

  • Using sentence case in thumbnails

I forgot to mention above…  When using the thumbnail generator, please use sentence case , as discussed in  this Slack thread   :man-bowing::skin-tone-3:

Come and Contribute

 This week we’d love the team to focus on  Topics awaiting vetting

  • See  Vetting Topic Ideas  for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 35 issues that require triaging and vetting

Find the rest of the ways you can contribute:

 :arrow_right: Content ready for review

 :arrow_right: Feedback awaiting validation

 :arrow_right: Good first issues for developers

  • See  Developing Learn WordPress  for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
  • All issues are clear for the 7th week in a row!   :clap:

 :arrow_right:   Validated feedback awaiting fix

 Contributor Acknowledgement

  • We found out this week that the Learn news letter wasn’t sending to subscribers until now  :scream:  Thanks to  @ adamwood  for identifying this issue, and fixing it in preparation for the site relaunch.

Project updates

One exciting development is that a theme switcher now lets you preview the new theme on the production site Production Site A production site is a live site online meant to be viewed by your visitors, as opposed to a site that is staged for development or testing. , with all its data. You can try it at: -theme=1

Open Discussion

First of all, thank you to  @ lada7042 @ zoonini  and  @ west7  for adding additional meeting topics on  the GitHub agenda  beforehand  :raised_hands::skin-tone-3:  Each week, if anybody else has topics they’d like discussed, feel free to add it to the agenda so we can dedicate space for it within the meeting  :wink:

And finally… Was there any other topic folks wanted to bring up today?

It’s just one more week until WordCamp Europe starts  :wapuu:  I can’t wait to present all the exciting things the Training Team has been doing with Learning Pathways and the site redesign  :star2:

Here’s a sneak peak at the slides I’ll be using in my presentation:

And with that, I’ll close this week’s meeting. Thanks to everyone who attend live, and to everyone who attended asynchronously. See you all next week!   :smiley:

You can see all meetings scheduled on  this meeting calendar . If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through  our onboarding program  to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the  #training Slack channel  at any time.

# learn-wordpress , # meeting-recap , # training , # training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 30th May 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub . You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log . (If you don’t have a Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at . account, you can set one up .)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 18 attendees @piyopiyofox , @voboghure , @jagirbahesh , @lada7042 , @zeelthakkar , @devmuhib , @west7 , @ nhrrob (async), @freewebmentor (async), @ jhimross (async), @huzaifaalmesbah (async), @ cnormandigital (async), @zoonini (async), @ sierratr (async), @quitevisible (async), @bsanevans (async), @amitpatelmd (async), @ backpocketACE (async), @sumitsingh (async)

Welcome, to all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week:

@ krunalprajapati41 , @ mikhlasmemon , @ digitalpritam , @ pranjalmishra , @ gmrafi , @ shmollah1 , @ mrkdevelopment , @ abdnafees , @ marcorodrigues853 , @ showravhasan

For those who are new here, the WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through educational content hosted on .

If you haven’t seen them yet, then I recommend checking out our  onboarding program , and our  Guide Program


Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

Proposal: Learn WordPress Content Maintenance Process  — We already started discussing this topic in our meeting last week. Please share your thoughts by June 13th to continue the conversation.

Looking for volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to triage  this spreadsheet of all the available tutorials  and recommend which ones to keep, update or deprecate.

Other News

  • Our WordCamp Europe 2024 Contributor Day post is now available for review. You can participate either in person or online. Click this link to learn how to contribute.
  • The Training Team Reps are preparing a survey for our  Online Workshop group . We will email this survey through Meetup Meetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through . A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. to better understand the types of workshops participants are interested in for the future.
  • We have a new handbook page  on how to create video and event thumbnails for Learn WordPress and our Online Workshop group.   Going forward, please use this thumbnail generator for all thumbnails that need to be created for Courses, Lessons, and Online Workshops.
  • Learn WordPress was mentioned in WordPress Briefing  Episode 80: Unlocking Your WordPress Potential with Learn WordPress Tools  — do you know of any other places where Learn WordPress was mentioned online recently?
  • There will be an online workshop called “Recording awesome videos for WordPress demos, courses, and more” in which we’ll go through the new  Video Best Practices handbook  content:

Come and Contribute

This week, we’d like the team to concentrate on Feedback awaiting validation

Contributor Acknowledgement

Badges awarded:

Project Updates

Open Discussions

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar . If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the  #training Slack channel at any time.

# learn-wordpress , # meeting-recap , # training , # training-team

X-post: Training Team Update – June 2024

X-comment from : Comment on Training Team Update – June 2024

Meet 2024 Interim Co-Rep: Jamie Madden

Training Team co-reps @ bsanevans @ lada7042 and I are very excited to welcome Jamie Madden as interim Training Team co-representative (co-rep).

A few months ago we discussed the idea of an interim lead with the team, and the idea was largely accepted. An interim co-rep is an active Training Team member who fits our documented criteria , and is able to step in to help lead the team when another co-rep is on a leave for longer than 1 month.

Our fellow team rep Team Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. @ bsanevans will be away on a three month sabbatical on June 24th, and we will begin onboarding Jamie to the co-representative team starting from this week (June 3rd). He will be staying on as an interim co-rep until the end of the year.

Jamie Madden – @ digitalchild

Jamie Madden  has been involved in open-source long before WordPress’ first release. He made his first contribution to the Red Hat kernel in 1999. Since then, he’s been contributing to the WordPress documentation, testing, and, of course, Training Team.

Jamie has been an active contributor in the Training Team since July 2022, and joined us as a Faculty Member in September that year lending his Subject Matter Expert and Editor expertise to the team.

We have a full spotlight on Jamie out in this post , so please give it a read if you’d like to learn more about him!

Thank you again Jamie for accepting the call for this role! We look forward to working more closely with you in this capacity.

Proposal: Learn WordPress Content Maintenance Process

In last week’s Training Team ( see Slack thread here ) meeting we brought up the question of “ what content are we obligated to leave on learn and until what version of WordPress do we need to support” .

This question is a critical one as the team is currently working on relaunching Learn WordPress with a fresh new design and streamlined content experience which includes Learning Pathways, Courses, and Lessons. Part of this project includes content deprecation for Tutorials and Lesson Plans, and a push toward presenting content on the site that is new, fresh, and relevant.

Here’s some takeaways from the discussion on Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at . :

  • Content that is not relevant to current core Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. features of WordPress should be removed (ex. classic editor)
  • We could view the  WordPress version usage stats  to decide what content is most relevant and should be the focus for our team.
  • We can use WordPress and PHP PHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. . usage metrics to guide our content maintenance process
    • More than 70% of WordPress installs are using either 6.5 or 6.4.
    • Historically the project maintainers have used 5% as the baseline, ie if more than 5% of WordPresses are using that version of PHP, then support it (this currently aligns with the above point).
  • The team should review content every 6-12 months for relevancy

Proposed path forward

  • Adopt 5% baseline for content, which equates to supporting the last two versions of WordPress
  • Create a content maintenance review process that is run twice a year
  • Triage GitHub GitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. for content issues which can be closed based on the new baseline

Contribute to this conversation

Here’s some questions to help keep the conversation going:

  • Do you agree with the proposed 5% baseline for content relevance? Why or why not?
  • Should there be exceptions to the 5% rule in certain circumstances? If so, what might those exceptions be?
  • What are your thoughts on the proposed bi-annual (twice a year) content review process?
  • How can we ensure that the content review process remains thorough and effective?
  • What strategies could we adopt to effectively communicate content deprecations to our learners?
  • What other metrics or data sources could be beneficial for informing our content maintenance process?

Please share your thoughts on this topic by June 13th, 2024

Training Team Meeting Recap – 23rd May 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub . You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log . (If you don’t have a Slack Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform . The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at . account, you can set one up .)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 21 attendees @lada7042 , @piyopiyofox , @jagirbahesh , @west7 , @zeelthakkar , @pooja9712 , @bsanevans , @sierratr (async) , @freewebmentor (async) , @sumitsingh (async) , @devmuhib (async) , @voboghure (async) , @rcreators (async) , @onealtr (async) , @ironnysh (async) , @digitalchild (async) , @cnormandigital (async) , @psykro (async) , @zoonini (async) , @askdesign (async)

Welcome, to all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week:

@vkuberan , @lamarajan , @Vineet Singh , @Sharon

For those who are new here, the WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through educational content hosted on .

If you haven’t seen them yet, then I recommend checking out our  onboarding program , and our  Guide Program :sparkles:


Meeting Note Takers

May 23 –  @Zeel Thakkar
May 30 –  @jagirbahesh
June 6 –  @speedyprem
June 13 – @Zeel Thakkar

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes on this  handbook page .

Looking for feedback

  • Would love everyone’s feedback with the introduction of the Learning Pathways.
    • What content are we obligated to leave on Learn? Ex. Classic editor
    • Until what version do we need to support?

@bsanevans suggests revisiting Learning Pathways annually to ensure they remain current. He believes that content irrelevant to the Block Block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Editor should be removed, noting that the classic editor was removed from the core Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. over five years ago. By reviewing WordPress version usage stats , and focusing on content for versions 6.4 and 6.5, which cover over 70% of installs, we can keep Learn up to date with the majority of use cases.

@psykro suggests yearly updates for Learning Pathways and every six months for newer features like the Site Editor and Interactivity API API An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. until they stabilize. He agrees that content related to features removed from the core should be removed. For WordPress versions, he proposes using a 5% usage baseline to determine content support, ensuring we cover versions 6.4 and 6.5 but also older versions if their usage exceeds 5%.

  • Training’s 2024 goals – we asked this question last week and didn’t get any feedback. I added a multiple-choice option if that is easier.
    • We’d like to send out a survey to the 10,000+ members of the  Online Workshop group  to get their input. What do folks think about these three questions?
    • What is currently working well with Online Workshops?
    • What would you like to see changed with Online Workshops?
    • Do you have any suggestions for future Online Workshop topics?

Looking for volunteers

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Last week’s Dev squad session was postponed by a week due to member unavailability. With no new bugs or PRs to triage, the focus was on reviewing and testing open PRs.

We invite developers familiar with the Learn WordPress codebase to help us finalize these PRs.

Other News

  • Learn redesign update:
    • From  @adamwood  This week we made good progress, finalizing some technical decisions and shipping some important pieces:
    • The Learning Pathway taxonomy Taxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. . was created, allowing Courses to be classified as one of 4 Learning Pathways (designer, user, developer, contributor), and thereby be included on the new home page and taxonomy pages.
    • The  Online Workshops page

As part of  the Learn Redesign project , content types on Learn are getting streamlined. With  the Lesson content type  becoming the focus of Learn, the  Lesson Plan  and  Tutorial  handbook pages have been moved to under the  Resources section  in the handbook.

Come and Contribute

Today we are focusing on Topics awaiting vetting

  • See  Vetting Topic Ideas  for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 31 issues that require vetting

Contribution Acknowledgement

  • Badges awarded:
  • Props:  @Jamie Madden @sumitsingh @devmuhib , @jagirbahesh for WordCamp Europe 2024 Contributor Day volunteering.
  • Props:  @Prem Tiwari  has joined our team as an Administrator and Content Creator. With his expertise in plugin Plugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party development and knowledge of Gutenberg Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. Blocks, he aims to assist in training team members.
  • Props:  @Emmanuel  for reviewing his first pieces of content.
  • props:  @magicroundabout  for his excellent reviews of some of my recent lessons.

Project Updates

As we near the tentative launch date of July 2024, we need volunteers to help with creating a marketing campaign for Learning Pathways.  @abhanonstopnewsuk  volunteered last week, and it would be great if we could have another 2 people or so join. Please comment in this thread if you’d like to help out 

@abhanonstopnewsuk would like your input to help clarify what to focus on. Here is the Slack conversation .

Faculty Updates

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?

    @west7 creating lessons for the Intermediate learning pathway. Making steady progress.

    @bsanevans has been launching the second course cohort with 17 participants and great engagement. @Jonathan had a successful call with them last week.

    @cnromandigital is still working on the Intermediate Theme Dev LP: she just released 3 Template videos and working on publishing 5 lessons in the Global Settings and Styles module.

    @Jonathan is working with @cnromandigital on Intermediate Theme Developer lessons. It’s been fun to switch my mind to themes for a bit.

    @Kathryn Presner has been co-facilitating the second-course cohort with @bsanevans and @Jonathan . They are preparing for next week’s Guide program workshop and planning June’s workshop on the new Video Best Practices handbook with @west7 . She is also volunteering for marketing efforts around the new Learn site Learn site The Training Team publishes its completed lesson plans at which is often referred to as the "Learn" site. and finalizing the video thumbnail generator for team use.

    @lada7042 is recording lessons for the intermediate learning pathways and preparing a presentation for next week’s WordCamp Montclair.
  • Is there anything you’ve accomplished within WordPress or in your personal life?

    @Jonathan has exciting news — WordCamp Cape Town is happening! Check it out at WordCamp Cape Town 2024 .
  • Do you have any blockers?

    @west7 need some scripts to be reviewed.
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way? Please reach out to the team reps  @lada7042 @piyopiyofox , @bsanevans  or any of the other members for help. That is what is awesome about this community.

Open Discussions

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar . If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the  #training Slack channel at any time.

# learn-wordpress , # meeting-recap , # training , # training-team