2023 Marketing Team: new meeting time and new team reps

Hello from your 2023 Marketing Team Reps: Santana Inniss ( @ santanainniss ), Robin ( @ robinwpdeveloper ), and Sé Reed (that’s me! @ sereedmedia ).

We are excited to announce the first marketing team meeting of 2023 will be held on Tuesday, 17 January at 15:00 UTC.

This is a new time and day for the weekly marketing meetings, which we’ve arrived at after parsing our diverse schedules and the 14 time zones between us! We know we could have kept an asynchronous approach to the meetings, but we wanted to find a time where the three of us could successfully rotate meeting management. We feel that this new meeting time will allow us to have the most productive and inclusive discussions throughout the year.

As we begin this new chapter, we also want to acknowledge the importance of work-life balance. Everyone on this team has responsibilities outside of WordPress contribution, whether it be caring for children and family or caring for ourselves. It is our goal to encourage a team culture that values and supports this balance, so that we can all be our best selves both at work and at home.

In addition to finding a new meeting time that works for everyone, we have also been working to get comfortable in our roles as team reps. Taking on this new responsibility can be challenging, but we are confident that with hard work and collaboration, we will be able to make a positive impact on the marketing team.

We want to thank the 2022 team reps for their hard work and dedication to the marketing team: Nalini Thakor ( @ nalininonstopnewsuk ), Larissa Murillo ( @ lmurillom ), and Nicholas Garofalo ( @ eidolonnight ). We are grateful for the opportunity to learn from them and other previous team reps, and to build on their successes as we move forward. We will be coordinating with them to ensure a smooth handoff and to make sure that we are able to hit the ground running.

We are looking forward to what the future holds for WordPress and the Make WordPress Marketing Team. We hope that you will join us at the meeting on 17 January to be a part of it!

# marketing-meeting , # marketing-team