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The US jury awarded Microsoft 1.75 billion yuan in compensation! Intelligent voice becomes the defendant

On May 10, a federal jury in Delaware, the United States, found that Microsoft had infringed a patent of IPA Technologies, and demanded that Microsoft pay it 242 million dollars (about 1.75 billion yuan) in compensation. This ruling originates from a lawsuit filed by IPA Technologies in 2018, accusing Microsoft of infringing several patents related to personal digital assistant and voice data navigation with its voice recognition technology.

The jury found that Microsoft's Cortana voice assistant software infringed IPA's patent rights in computer communication software. Microsoft argued that it had not infringed the law and said it would appeal against the decision. However, according to relevant reports, Microsoft finally chose to accept the judgment and make compensation.

It is worth mentioning that IPA has sued Google and Amazon for similar reasons. Among them, Amazon won the lawsuit in 2021, while the lawsuit against Google is still in progress.

The reason why this case has attracted wide attention is not only because of the huge amount of compensation, but also because it involves important technologies in many fields, such as artificial intelligence and voice assistant. At the same time, we also need to note that today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the balance between innovation and intellectual property protection is becoming increasingly important.

For consumers, while enjoying the convenience brought by scientific and technological innovation, they should also understand and respect intellectual property laws. Only in this way can we protect our own rights and interests and better protect and develop innovative achievements.

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