Zhongguancun Online

mobile phone

It's said that Apple has reached a cooperation with Samsung, which will provide a display screen for the foldable iPhone

Apple seems to have stagnated in smartphone design recently, which has attracted wide attention. However, with the rapid development of folding screen smartphone technology, Apple seems to see a new development opportunity. It is reported that Apple has signed a new purchase agreement with Samsung to supply the display screen for its first collapsible iPhone. This news shows that Apple is actively preparing to enter the folding smartphone market.

Apple and Samsung have a long history of cooperation, and Samsung has always been one of Apple's largest display suppliers. This cooperation once again proved Samsung's leading position in the field of display technology and Apple's pursuit of high-quality new technology.

Although other brands have launched folding smart phones in the market, Apple has always maintained a high level of attention and waited for the folding technology to further mature. It is reported that Apple had planned to launch the foldable iPhone in 2026, but the release date was postponed to the first quarter of 2027 due to technical problems.

At the same time, Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip and Galaxy Z Fold series have matured after several iterations. If the rumors are true, Apple may use Samsung's design for reference to launch two different foldable iPhone models in the future to meet the needs of different consumers and demonstrate its innovative spirit in product design.

However, it has also been reported that Apple may not put its first foldable product on the iPhone, but may introduce it into the iPad or even MacBook. These two types of products have been reported to develop foldable products before. If this rumor is true, it will bring more surprises to people.

Although Apple's design seems to have stagnated in the past few years, we still expect them to bring more surprises rather than stagnant innovations. With the progress of technology and changes in the market, we can believe that Apple will play a greater role in the field of folding smart phones and lead the development trend of smart phones in the future.

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