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The world's first second-hand Xiaomi SU7 sold for less than 130000 yuan, and will pick up the car next year

Recently, an unprecedented case of second-hand car transaction has aroused heated discussion on social media. It is understood that a consumer who has a special interest in Xiaomi products successfully booked a second-hand Xiaomi SU7 electric car in 2025 (next year) through a well-known second-hand car trading platform, and the price of the car was controlled within an astonishing 130000 yuan. The whole booking process only requires a deposit of 5000 yuan.

According to the staff of the platform, consumers locked the right to purchase by paying a deposit, and enjoyed a series of commitment guarantees provided by the car dealer, including double compensation when they could not deliver the car. However, if the buyer reneges at that time, the deposit will not be refunded. At the same time, they also promised that the delivered vehicles would maintain high quality, without any replacement records, and the body painting would be controlled within five sides.

In addition, some netizens inquired about the price of the top version of the second-hand Xiaomi SU7 on the platform. The reply they received was that the price of new cars would be reduced by 100000 yuan, or 199000 yuan.

Then why is the price of used cars of Xiaomi SU7 so low? Analysts believe that this is mainly due to the current competitive situation in the electric vehicle market and the special situation of Xiaomi brand. First of all, the electric vehicle market has been booming in recent years, with new models emerging one after another, leading to a substantial increase in the supply of second-hand vehicles in the market, which has relatively reduced the value of second-hand vehicles. Secondly, Xiaomi SU7, as an emerging brand model, has attracted much attention, but the consumer's recognition of its reputation and value preservation ratio still needs to be improved. Key factors such as the final battery life and endurance mileage also affect the price of used cars to a certain extent.

It should be noted that Tesla has a high hedging ratio in trams at present.

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