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New energy vehicles are more polluting, prone to spontaneous combustion and have higher radiation than fuel vehicles: official collective refutation

The Department of Ecological Environment of Guangdong Province recently clarified many rumors about new energy vehicles. These rumors include "new energy vehicles are more polluting than fuel vehicles", "new energy vehicles are more likely to catch fire", and "new energy vehicles have short endurance, cannot run at high speed, and dare not turn on air conditioners". In fact, according to popular science, these statements are not true.

The Department of Ecological Environment of Guangdong Province said that new energy vehicles have less impact on air quality, and the statement that "new energy vehicles are more likely to catch fire than fuel vehicles" is also wrong. According to reliable data, the probability of fire accidents of new energy vehicles is not higher than that of fuel vehicles.

In addition, the Department of Ecological Environment of Guangdong Province also clarified rumors about the endurance and charging of electric vehicles. They pointed out that the actual endurance of electric vehicles will be affected by many factors, such as environment, road conditions, driving habits, and so on, so the endurance consumption of each driving will be different. At the same time, they also explained that the use of electric vehicles in rainy days will not lead to leakage, and there will be no problem in charging.

Finally, the Department of Ecological Environment of Guangdong Province clarified the rumors about the radiation and pollution level of new energy vehicles. They said, "New energy vehicles are more polluting than fuel vehicles?" This statement is even more inaccurate. According to scientific research, new energy vehicles perform well in reducing pollutant emissions.

The Department of Ecological Environment of Guangdong Province reminds the public to be scientific and rational, to be vigilant in the face of various rumors about new energy vehicles, and to obtain information and verify it through reliable channels.

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