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Hong Kong stock property enterprises are gun shy, and 20 property enterprises change their "financial" gatekeepers

Leju Finance 2024-06-18 11:02 12.5w Read

In recent two years, more than 30% of physical enterprises have changed auditors.

Graphic/Leju Financial Property Group  

Evergrande The fermentation of fraud in performance has pushed PricewaterhouseCoopers to the forefront of the storm. As the gatekeeper of enterprise financial report, its credit problem is facing an unprecedented public opinion test.

Since 2022, many physical enterprises have announced the replacement of auditors. The reasons are similar. Some are replaced due to the lack of consensus on labor costs, and some are because the accountant does not agree with the company's accounting treatment.

Now, the reason for the change of auditors in the property enterprises is the public opinion risk from the auditors. PricewaterhouseCoopers is also known in Hong Kong as Robin Ham Wing Road. According to the statistics of Leju Finance and Economics, in the past two years, more than 10 listed property enterprises have parted ways with Luo Bingxian Yongdao.

On June 12, following the "breakup" between two state-owned property enterprises and Luo Bingxian, another state-owned property enterprise Yuexiu Service , has also officially replaced Robin Young and appointed Ernst&Young.

After the "thunder" of PwC, Dahua Certified Public Accountants was exposed to financial audit problems. On May 10, Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a letter of decision on administrative punishment to Dahua Institute, involving Jin Tongling (300091. SZ) In the case of financial fraud, the business income of 6.8868 million yuan was confiscated, a fine of 34.434 million yuan was imposed, and the securities service business was suspended for 6 months.

The public opinion of the auditors was also soon transmitted to property stocks. At the end of May, Shandong merchants service The announcement of auditor replacement was issued, and Dahua Certified Public Accountants resigned and replaced it with ShineWing. In fact, the change of auditors was the voluntary resignation of UOB Accounting Firm to comply with the punishment decision of "suspending the securities service business for six months".

However, Leju Finance and Economics noticed that Dahua Mashiyun, the affiliated company of Dahua Certified Public Accountants, seems to have not been affected. Among the 66 listed property enterprises, Dahua Mashiyun is the auditor of two property enterprises, respectively Blessing life service and Xinyuan Service

In addition, Leju Finance has made statistics on the accounting firms employed by listed property enterprises in 2023. Among the 64 property enterprises that issue annual reports, 14 have their financial reports audited by Ernst&Young, which is the most employed accounting firm; KPMG and Robin Young Road respectively serve 8 companies; Shanghui Baicheng serves 5 companies.

It is worth noting that Yuexiu Service, a state-owned property enterprise, has officially replaced it with Ernst&Young Certified Public Accountants on June 12 among the eight property enterprises served by Luobingxian Yongdao in 2023.

According to the statistics of Leju Finance and Economics, since 2022, at least 20 property enterprises have changed auditors, mostly around the annual report quarter. The change of auditors also reflects the fluctuation of the real estate market from the side.

From the perspective of the changes in the auditor's remuneration, the overall trend of decline will appear in 2023. According to the statistics of Leju Finance and Economics, the average salary of auditors of listed property enterprises in 2023 will be 3.05 million yuan, down 14.57% from 3.57 million yuan in 2022.

In 2023, the highest salary of the physical enterprise auditor is Country Garden Service Its auditor is Luo Bingxian Yongdao; The second is Jinke Service , the same is Luo Bingxian Yongdao; The third is All things cloud Ernst&Young.

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