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Pay attention to the dynamics of industry bond issuance.

Vanke "22 Vanke 06" rose in the afternoon, up 10.92%

Leju Finance 2024-06-14 16:12 5.4w Read

Leju Finance On June 14, "22 Vanke 06 "(149976) rose in the afternoon, up 10.92% to 77.37 yuan as of 16:12. The total turnover was 800.00, with a turnover of 591300 yuan.

“22 Vanke 06 "full name Vanke Enterprise Co., Ltd. will publicly issue corporate bonds (Phase III) (Category II) to professional investors in 2022, with an issue volume of 500 million yuan, a term of 7 (5+2) years, a coupon rate of 3.7%, a value date of July 8, 2022, and a maturity date of July 8, 2029.

According to the first quarter report of Vanke in 2024, the company's net profit in the first quarter was 331 million yuan, down 88.31% year on year; The operating revenue was 61.594 billion yuan, down 10.05% year on year; The company's total assets were 1463.869 billion yuan, down 16.02% year on year.

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