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CICC: maintain the rating of "outperforming the industry" of Greentown China, with a target price of HK $10

Leju Finance 2024-06-14 16:00 10.6w Read

Leju Finance Zhang Linxia On June 13, CICC released a research report saying that Greentown China (03900. HK) "outperform the industry" rating, and the profit forecast for 2024-25 remains unchanged. Considering the company's solid soil reserves, improved operation and background of central enterprise shareholders, we are optimistic about its valuation return opportunities in the transition from the bottom of game policy to the bottom of game fundamentals, with a target price of HK $10.

The company's stock price has been withdrawn about 15% since its high point after rising sharply in late April, and the dividend yield of this year and next years has reached 6.3%/6.0%.

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