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Yajule Group will reduce 1043 employees by 1.02% in 2023

Leju Finance 2024-06-13 16:29 9.4w Read

Leju Finance Zhang Linxia On April 25, Yajule Group (03383) Release the 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report.

Elegant living music In 2023, the Group will have 100863 employees, 1043 of whom will be reduced by 1.02%.

2022 is a big year for the mobility of real estate personnel. According to the statistics of Leju Finance, only 57 typical listed real estate enterprises will lose 186000 employees, making it the largest year for listed real estate enterprises to "downsize". In 2023, real estate downsizing is still the trend.

The latest statistics of 101 real estate enterprises whose annual reports have been issued by Leju Finance shows that 80 listed real estate enterprises will be downsized to varying degrees in 2023, with more than 60000 employees cut. Only 21 real estate enterprises have increased or remained the same number of employees. Among them, some real estate enterprises have reduced their staff by more than 70% in the past year.

The real estate enterprises in danger are still severely affected by staff reduction. Huayuannian Holdings has reduced the number of employees by 6540 last year, becoming the largest real estate enterprise with the largest number of staff reductions. Rongchuang China China Merchants Shekou China Olympic Park They were followed by 5970, 5552 and 5004 staff reductions.

In addition, New town development Gemdale Group 、* ST Xinlian Jinmao, China R&F Properties The number of employees has decreased by more than 2000; Hejing Taifu Group Poly Real Estate Group Zhongliang Holding , Yajule Group Midea Real Estate The number of staff reduction is more than 1000.

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