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2024 Suzhou Wuzhong Primary School Teaching Area Publicity

Leju New Media 2024-05-29 11:15 7.9w Read

Leju New Media Suzhou Recently, the scope of 2024 teaching areas of Suzhou universities has been announced. Topic | 2024 Suzhou Primary and Secondary School Teaching Area Summary

The following is the latest division of teaching areas for primary schools in Wuzhong District (under continuous updating):

Suzhou Bay Experimental Primary School of Central China Normal University

1. Wujun Campus: south of Yugong Road, east of Suzhou Bay Avenue, west of East Taihu Lake Causeway, is under the administrative jurisdiction of Wuzhong District.

Rongwan Community: Junfutureflower garden, Suzhou Bay lakeside garden.

Yiwan Community: Lvju Future Business Center, Taihu Xiangyi Garden, Wangbin Yayuan, Wujun Peninsula Garden.

2. Suzhou Bay Campus: south of Tian'edang Road, north of East Taihu Causeway, east of Jianfushan Road, west of Suzhou Bay Avenue, is under the administrative jurisdiction of Wuzhong District.

To the west of Suzhou Bay Avenue: Dongwang Yayuan, Jiangnan Yunzhu Garden, Jiuzhu Yunting, Liu'an Xiaofeng Home, Rongyue Bay Garden, Rongyue Bay Yayuan, Swan Harbor Huating, Yueshiguang Yayuan, Yueze Jingting, Guanlan Yuanzhu near the lake (pre-sale on September 23, 2023), Binhu Bay Garden (pre-sale on January 12, 2024).

Suyuan Experimental Primary School

To the south of Tuanjie Bridge, to the north of the Canal, to the east of Dongwu North Road, and to the west of Yingchun Road, it is under the administrative jurisdiction of Wuzhong District.

Changqiao Experimental Primary School

The administrative jurisdiction of Changqiao Street, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, south of the Canal and north of Wuzhong Avenue, includes Lishu Community, Xinnan Community, Xinbei Community, Xinjia Community, Pioneer Community, Tianyi Community, Tianyun Community, Tianhua Community and Changli Community.

Mudu Experimental Primary School

1. To the west of Mudong Highway: north to the south of Zhongshan West Road (former Sufu Road), south to the north of the canal.

2. To the east of Mudong Highway: to the south of the city in the north, to the north of the canal in the south, and to the shipyard in the east.

3. Group 11, Xiecun (Yaofeng).

Xujiang Experimental Primary School

The area to the south of Xujiang River in Xukou Town. Including Xuxiang Garden, Xidi Garden, Zixu Garden, Jixiang First Village, Jixiang Second Village Huadi Qingyueting, Jiangshangyayuan, the area south of Xujiang River in Jianjing Village, the area south of Xujiang River in Dongxin Village, Xinfeng Village, and Mashe Village.

Wuzhong Experimental Primary School

The area to the west of Dongwu North Road, north of the Canal, east of Changwu Road and south of Tuanjie Bridge is under the administrative jurisdiction of Changqiao Street.

Yinshanhu Experimental Primary School

To the east of Dong'an Road, south of Yin'an Road and north of Yinshu Road, Guoxiang Street is under the administrative jurisdiction of Guoxiang Street. Including Fuqiao Resettlement Community, Yinshan Lake View Garden Phase IV Phase V, Yinshan Lake Yunjia Garden, Yipin Lake View Garden, Diecuifeng Garden, Hongyang Shanghu Yayuan, Feiliwan Garden, Guoling Garden, Taihe Jinzunfu, Yuejing Water Bay.

Soochow Experimental Primary School (North Campus of Suzhou Shihu Experimental Primary School affiliated to Nanjing Normal University)

Yuejin River, south of Dongwu South Road, north of Nanhu Road and Wuzhong Avenue. It involves Yangguang Shuiyun, Rose Jiujiu, No. 106, Nanhu Road (Nanhu Zhiyun), Hongzhuang, Lingxiang Yayuan.

Shihu Experimental Primary School

1. Chengnan street area to the south of Nanhu Road and Wuzhong Avenue. It involves Donghu Community, Xingang Garden, Jinjun of Xincheng, Yuehu Jiatianxia Opening Guofeng Huafu, South Stone Lake Garden, Shaoang, Pengjing, China Merchants Xiaoshicheng Community, Xingnan Huating, East Lake Yujing Garden.

2. Students in the teaching area of Dongwu Experimental Primary School can also choose our school. (Hongzhuang Village, Rose Jiujiu, No. 106, Nanhu Road (Charm of Nanhu), Sunshine Water Charm, Lingxiang Yayuan)

Wuzhong Gusu Experimental Primary School

To the south of Xujiang Canal of Mudu Town Shiplock, including Jinyun Garden Vanke City (Xujiang City Garden), Quemei Garden, Gusu Aristocratic Family, Xuelin Yayuan, Landsea Green Waterfront, Gusu Jin Mao Yue (Jiamaoyue Garden), Ruifu Garden, Gusu Village and Yaofeng Village.

Wusongjiang Experimental Primary School

Scope of teaching area: south of Yinshu Road, Guoxiang Street (to aegean sea Shopping Park, Dushu Lake Ecological Park (south of the boundary) resettlement community, villages and surrounding residential buildings that have not been demolished. Including Dushuwan Community, Qinghe Community, Shuangwan Community, Huangliaojing Community, Xubang Community, Guanpu Community, Maxiang Community, Gewan Community and residential buildings( Country Garden Yunqi Yi'an Garden, Lvcheng Xiangyu Yipin Lan'an Garden, Lvcheng Xiangyu Guanlan Yipin Garden). The following communities are specifically covered:

Guanpu Community: Yindong Phase IV (No. 399, Liaojing Road, Guoxiang Street), Yindong Phase V (No. 380, Liaojing Road)

Xubang Community: Yindong Phase III (No. 88, Jingwan Road), Yindong Phase VI (No. 55, Yinyuan Road), Zone C, Yindong Village 9 (No. 169, Liaojing Road)

Gewan Community: Area 2, Eight Village, Yindong (555 Woditan Road)

Maxiang Community: Area 1 of Yindong Eight Village (No. 88, Wooditan Road), Area 3 of Yindong Eight Village (No. 2599, Yinnan Road)

Huangliaojing Community: Yindong New Village Area 1 (No. 2055, Yinnan Road), Yindong New Village Area 2 South (No. 366, Jingwan Road), Yindong New Village Area 2 North (No. 266, Jingwan Road), Yindong Nine Village Area A (No. 688, Yinyuan Road), Yindong Nine Village Area B (No. 699, Yinyuan Road)

Dushuwan Community: Yujingwan Mingyuan (3688 Dongfang Avenue), Dushuwan Yayuan (3666 Dongfang Avenue)

Shuangwan Community: Phase I and Phase II of Zhonghai Shuangwan Jinyuan (No. 688, Huajinggang Road) Xinyuan Huju Family (No. 1558, Yinnan Road)

Qinghe Community: Phase I and Phase II of Zhonghai Shuangwan Garden (No. 688, Qinghe Road)

Shuangwan Jinyuan Community: Country Garden Yunqi Yi'an Garden (No. 888, Yinyuan Road) Huyi Community: Lvcheng Xiangyu Yipin Lan'an Garden (No. 999, Yinyuan Road), Lvcheng Xiangyu Guanlan Yipin Garden (No. 99, Huajinggang Road)

Yijianhe Experimental Primary School

To the north of Fanfeng Road, to the east of Zangzhong Road, to the north of Maopeng Road, to the east of Yijianhe Road, to the north of Guxiang Road, to the east of Xuxin Road, to the north of Xuluo Street, to the east of Dongxin Road, to the north of Xujiang (to the east), Caixiangjing Village and Dongxin Village (to the north of Xujiang, to the east of Xuxin Road).

(1) Dongxin Village: (to the north of Xujiang and to the east of Xuxin Road) Qianshandi Bridge, Houshandi Bridge, Shandi Bridge, Lujia Village, Zhangshuibang, Caowushang, Xujiaqiao Village, Houshijia, Shangqitu, Xiaqitu, Fangjia Bridge, Tangang Bridge, Bao'an, Dongxinxin Village, Chenjia Village.

(2) Caixiangjing Village: Jiangxiangshang, Dachangshang, Gaochedu, Xihanjing, Zaomujing, Sanjuqiao, Zhongjiaqiao, Sixiangshang, Jinjiaqiao, Zhongjiangshang, Hanjiatang, Jiaoli Village, Fenlutou, Yangshubang, Shanghewandang, Xiahewandang, Wangjiajing, Wuxiangshang, Chunshutou, Linjiaji, Gutari, Jinjia Village.

(3) Yijianhe Community: Hongting, Xujiang Garden, Mountain View World, Shanheyuan, Yuhuayuan, Caixiangjing Garden, Yuncuiyueting, Yuenianhua.

(4) Zixu Community: Joyful Four Seasons.

Nanxing Experimental Primary School

The residential communities of Mudu Town (except Jinfeng Meidi) in the east of Jinfeng Road and south of Zhuyuan Road in Mudu Town and across Tangcun Village in the west include the following residential communities:

New Tourism City Garden landscape Huating, Red Star Life Square, Changfeng Elegant Garden, Suxiang Garden Shangri Garden, Shangkun Waterfront Four Seasons, Juta Garden, Kangyue Home, Yunshan Poetry, Huating, a new book of the times, Jingya Four Seasons Garden, Happy City, Heyong Jinyuan, Fenghua Ziyuan Picking up Brocade Garden, Riverside Beauty Life City, Suxu Bay, Chunjiang Mingyue, Jiangyue Time, Duhui Shangpin, West Tangcun

Xiangxi Road Experimental Primary School

1. South of Zhongshan East Road (Sufu Road), west of Jinfeng Road, north of Shihe (East Street), east of Mudong Road (Cuifang North Street).

2. Jinfeng Meidi Community, Group 4 and Group 7 of Xiexiang, Lingyan Village.

Linhu Experimental Primary School

Children of suitable age with original Puzhuang household registration in Linhu Town and Mashe Village household registration in Xukou Town.

Linhu No.1 Central Primary School

Ducun Block, Linhu Town, Wuzhong District

Administrative villages: Niuqiao Village, Qiantang Village, Linghu Village, Cailian Village, Shitang Village, Shishe Village, Lushe Village

Ducun Community: Dongsheng Garden, Dongrun Garden, Dongtai Garden, Taihuyuan Community, Jiayuan Community Hesheng Garden greenland Boshu, Huayuan Community, Huaman Four Seasons, Youbu Linhu, He'an Garden, Zhuangzi, Linhu Bay, Linlan Villa.

Taihuwan Experimental Primary School

The original household registration of Xiangshan Village, Meishe Village (not relocated and relocated), Shuiqiao Garden, Sunwu Garden, Yunyu Platinum Garden, Blue Four Seasons Garden, Meixiang Yashe, No. 9 and 10 Waitang Road (Longhu Tiancheng), Taihu Shangjing Garden, Taihu Huijing Garden, Taihu Tianque Villa, No. 1 Meishe Road (Taihu Hengrun No. 1), and No. 7 and 8 Taihu Forum City plots( Huayuannian ), Taihu Lake Pure Waterfront Garden, Wuxiang Garden, Shuibotang Front Garden, Taihu Forum City Lot 9 (Haoge), Taihu Forum City Lot 9 (Biluowan), Yuehushan Yayuan, Chenhua Road No. 1 (Green City Mingyue Jiangnan), magnificent and resplendent.

Xiangxuehai Primary School

Welfare Village: Beigou, Welfare, Welfare Village, Jinjian, Liujia, Groups 1-4 of former Welfare Village, former Jinjian Village, and former Xiajiao Village

Fuxi Community: Furui Garden, Furun Garden, Fuxi Garden, Fuyun Garden

Fuxiang Village: Chaixiang, Fengbang, Fuxiang

Tianshe Village: Dongyan Lake

Xiyanhu Community: Jinzeyuan Community (Jinzeyuan), Upper 9 Community (9 Tashan Road)

Yuanli Village: Anshan, Haodu, Shandeng, Piedmont, Yuanli Village, Yuanyuanli Group

Former Taihu Town: Chongshan Village, Taihu Neighborhood Committee, Taihu Fishing Port Village

Zhoushan Experimental Primary School

The original household registration of Zhoushan Village, Shuli Community, Changsha Community, Jiangdun Community, Zhoushan Garden, Shuiqiao Garden, Nantang Garden, Lanwan Yayuan, Biyinggu Villa and Taihu Villa.

Jinshan Experimental Primary School

Residential quarters within the administrative jurisdiction of Mudu Town, north of Zhuyuan Road, east of Lingtian Road and west of Jinfeng Road, and relevant residential quarters in Jinshan Village and Tianping Village.

1. Jinfeng Community: Xizhu (Guorui Xishu), Mudu Town

2. Jinshanbang Community: Zhonghang Yueyuan, Hushan Yueyuan, Meijiaqiao Community, Yujing Garden, Yulong Villa, Jinyu Lanwan, Jinshanbang Garden, Jinyu Mingdu, Qingshan Xiyu, Youth Song Garden (Youth City)

3. Jinshan Village: Sanxianqiao, Nanbang Village Hebei, Nanbang Village Henan, Tangtianxiang Group 14, Xiajiabang (Group 1-8), Wangjia Village, Meijiaqiao (Group 9, 15), Tiantang'an, Chawubang (Group 12-13), Jinshanbang (Group 10-11)

4. Tianping Village: Heshang Village (Group 1), Xiangli Village (Group 2), Xiawang Street (Group 3), Zhaoshanzui (Group 4), Shenjialong (Group 5), Xilushang (Group 6), Shanliwang (Group 7), Dengjiachang (Group 8), Fanjiachang (Group 9)

5. Zhuyuan Community: Shanyu Villa, No. 788, Zhuyuan Road (Taohuayuan), Jinshan Villa

Dushu Lake Experimental Primary School

Dushu Lake Community: Tangbao Community (128 Shugang Road), Tangbei Community (west of Tongda Road, Guoxiang Street), Tangnan New Village North District (west of Tongda Road, Guoxiang Street), Tangnan New Village South District (west of Tongda Road, Guoxiang Street)

Hu'an Community: Xinyuan Hu'an Mingjia (1555 and 1599 Tongda Road), Xingdao Renheng (1818 Tongda Road)

Hubin Community: Hubin Garden (including Lanbowan, Shengtigo, Yihu, Hengxihuting) (No. 1988, Tongda Road), Xiangbin Shui'an (No. 2088, Tongda Road), Xingyu Renheng (No. 2388, Tongda Road), Zhongyin Xingshuwan (No. 1999, Tongda Road)

Huyun Community: Huxi Yingyue, Huxi Xingchen

Jiangjia Community: Jiangjia New Village, Jiangjia Phase III (No. 155, Linjia Road)

Linglong Community: Dushu Lake West Jinyue Garden (359 Shupu Road), Dushu Lake West Linglong Garden

Shupu Community: Poly Villa west bank Garden, Zhonghai Dushu Island Garden

Xiegang Community: Jindian Garden (No. 1233, Dongfang Avenue)

(For the purchase of forward housing, if the contract stipulates that the housing should be delivered before August 31, 2024, the original and copy of the property certificate or purchase contract, deed tax invoice, etc. should be provided as required.)

Guoxiang Experimental Primary School

Jiangzhuang Community:

Jingyuan New Village (21 Xinxi Road), Baodai Garden (11 Caihong Road), Jiangzhuang Yuanzhai Base

Cathay Pacific Community:

Guotai Village 1, 2 and 3

Yinshan Community:

Yinshan Jixiyuan (No. 801, Yinfeng Road, Guoxiang Street)

Shuangbang Community:

Self built community (west of Tongda Road, south of Guoxin East Road), Xibang (west of Tongda Road, north of Guoxin East Road), Dongbang (east of Tongda Road, north of Guoxin East Road), Macun (south of Macun Road, north of Macun Road), Longhu Jiulijingyuan (intersection of Linjiatan Road and Tongda Road)

Lakeview Garden Community:

Yinshan Lake View Garden Phase I (Poly View Lake International), No. 77, Guoxin East Road; Yinshan Lake View Garden Phase II (Poly House), No. 78, Guoxin East Road; Yinshan Lake View Garden Phase III (Poly Yuexi), No. 88, Guoxin East Road

Ivy community:

First Ivy Garden (No. 399, Huanhu Road) Wharf Biti Garden (555 Huanhu Road) Wharf Biti Yayuan (No. 99, Guojin Road)

Guoxiangyuan Community:

Guoxiang Yayuan (No. 188, Guoxin West Road, Guoxiang Street), Meilan Garden (No. 66, Yinzhong Road, Guoxiang Street)

Moli Experimental Primary School

(1) Zijin Road Campus of Moli Experimental Primary School (Headquarters): from Moli Road, Dongshan Town to Dazui Mountain (mainly including Gaotian, Liaoli, Yujiashe, Wangjiajing, Xingguang, Lvhua, Jinwan and other natural villages, as well as school-age children living in the west of Moli Road, such as Moli No. 2 Village, and the nearby Sanshan Village).

(2) Youshan Campus of Moli Experimental Primary School: Houshan District, Dongshan Town (mainly including Chawan Baisha District, and Sanshan Village nearby).

Library Experimental Primary School

Mudu Town Library Area (Wufeng Village, Tianchi Village, Shanrenqiao Village, Library Community, Qionglong Community and Pick up Community)

Community: Tianyiwan Garden, Linquan Villa, Hanjingyuan, Dongfangyuan, Wufeng Garden, Yayuan Community, Juhuiyuan, Linxinyuan

Xixiu Experimental Primary School of Xinsu Primary Education Group

Within the jurisdiction of Yuexi Street, to the east of Zhineng Avenue, Tayun Road, Mingxi Road, and to the north of Wenxi Road, including Shihu Zhiyun, Shihu Huacheng, Shihu Tianxi, Hangong, Shui'an Tsinghua, Yuexiu Garden, Jinyue Garden, Nanxi Garden, Cuihu Bay, Xixili, Jianzhiyun, Haixin Garden, and Shangcheng Guangshiya Garden.

Fan Zhongyan Experimental Primary School

Residential communities and some groups of Tianping Village and Jinshan Village in the east of Lingtian Road, west of Jinfeng Road, north of Sufu Road and south of Zhuyuan Road in Mudu Town.

Zhuyuan Community: Palm Bay, Tianlin Scenery, Linglong Garden (Su Garden), Rigao Garden

Tongchun Community: Dachengjun China Railway Nordisk . National Rites

Jinfeng Community: Hejing Lingfeng, Merchants Yonghua Mansion (Yongshang Garden), Jingcuiya Garden

Baita Community: Tianping Garden, Tianlun Garden, Mudu Middle School teacher housing, Hejiahuayuan, Xiangxie Holiday Villa, Mingyue Bay Villa Ruijing Residential buildings in Garden, Xinyi Garden, Meilin New Village, Xinhua Garden, Linhua Community, Heguangya Courtyard, Mudu Shopping Mall

Huayuan Community: Huayuan New Village, Huayuan Second Village, Huayuan Third Village, Tianling Community, Hong Kong Garden, Xerox New Village, Quanjing Garden, Tianlun Suiyuan, Xinle Huayuan, Youyou New Village, Xiasha New Village, Jinyao New Village, Lingyan Garden Villa, Dafuge New Village, Jinlan Shangyuan

Wuzhong Education released the original text as follows:

Bibo Experimental Primary School:

Fengjin Experimental Primary School

Xingze Experimental Primary School

Ye Shengtao Experimental Primary School

Source: Leju New Media

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