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Huafa Shares, TOP 4!

Leju Finance 2024-05-23 11:40 10.6w Read

Recently, several real estate industry institutions released the evaluation list. Huafa Shares Relying on the industry's leading comprehensive strength, excellent market performance, and sound financial operation management strategy, we have maintained our composure in the shock, developed steadily, and continued to be the "first echelon" of the industry.  

On May 16, China Enterprise Appraisal Association, Tsinghua University Real Estate Research Institute, Beijing middle finger Sponsored by Information Technology Research Institute and undertaken by Top 10 Research Group of China Real Estate of Beijing Zhongzhi Information Technology Research Institute two thousand and twenty-four China's real estate listed company research results conference and the 22nd industry city integration investment and financing conference " It was held grandly.

At the meeting, Huafa Share acquisition two thousand and twenty-four Wealth creation ability of Shanghai and Shenzhen listed real estate companies TOP4 two thousand and twenty-four Financial soundness of Shanghai and Shenzhen listed real estate companies TOP4 two 024 Investment value of Shanghai and Shenzhen listed real estate companies TOP4 two thousand and twenty-four Comprehensive strength of Shanghai and Shenzhen listed real estate companies TOP5 And other leading rankings, Chen Yin, Vice Chairman and President of the Board of Directors of Huafa Co., Ltd., won the two thousand and twenty-four Ten Listed Real Estate Companies in China daikin brand CEO Luo Bin, Chief Financial Officer of Huafa, was awarded the two thousand and twenty-four Top Ten Gold Medals of China's Real Estate Listed Companies CFO Hou Guiming, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Huafa, was awarded two thousand and twenty-four Top 10 Golden Secretaries of Listed Real Estate Companies in China

In addition, Sohu Finance recently released "Star Ranking of China's Listed Real Estate Enterprises in Business Safety Evaluation" China Huafa Co., Ltd. also won a five-star rating, ranking fifth on the list.

The "Star List of China's Listed Real Estate Enterprises' Operation Safety Evaluation" is a sub list of branches under the 100 series value list of value companies. It is jointly launched by Sohu Finance and Sohu Real Estate. It is based on the long-term financial indicators (such as assets, sales, etc.), short-term operational indicators (such as land investment, financing, etc.) The recent performance of stocks and bonds and other phased indicators, combined with comprehensive evaluation in an all-round and multi-dimensional way, selected 60 representative real estate enterprises to be included in the research scope. From this, an enterprise research system is formed to evaluate the operation safety of listed real estate enterprises.

Huafa's fundamentals are stable and improving

From "three red lines", "housing loan concentration management" to "two centralized land supply", and then to "average price guidance for second-hand housing", real estate regulation policies frequently emerge. With the deepening of regulation policies, the real estate industry has entered a new stage of development. The original business model of "high leverage, high turnover and high debt" is facing many challenges. Find new development models Realizing sustainable and steady operation becomes the primary obligation of real estate enterprises Therefore, "stability" has become the primary goal of the real estate industry in the past year. Faced with the huge challenges in the industry adjustment period, Under the leadership of Li Guangning, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Huafa has adhered to the principle of "stability" and realized the quality scale growth of the enterprise

As a real estate enterprise with a state-owned asset background, Huafa has always placed capital return, financing innovation and optimizing debt structure at an important position in its corporate strategy We will continue to optimize the capital structure and debt structure, ensure that the "three red lines" continue to be green, and consolidate the foundation for steady development. Since 2019, the asset liability ratio of Huafa has continued to decline year by year. By the end of December 2023, the long-term liabilities of Huafa Shares accounted for more than 80% of all interest bearing liabilities, the debt maturity structure was reasonable, and the financing cost was further reduced.

In the past year, the performance of listed real estate companies in Shanghai, Shenzhen and the mainland in Hong Kong was not as good as the overall market. The valuation of listed real estate companies was under pressure. The new housing market continued to adjust. Investors paid more attention to the sustainable operation ability and long-term value of enterprises. Enterprises with stable operation, land acquisition ability and strong operational business are more likely to win the favor of investors. As a real estate listed company with good fundamentals, core business development and operation advantages and focusing on high-energy cities, Huafa will release higher enterprise value

Huafa calmly responds to market challenges

Faced with the great changes in the industry and the increasingly fierce competitive environment, Huafa faced the challenges and calmly responded. In 2023, Huafa will achieve sales of 125.99 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%, and continue to maintain the leading position in the industry.

Huafa has adjusted and optimized the organizational structure framework, forming a new pattern of 3+1” Strategic layout , many projects have entered the local hot market, Sales end Multipoint Effort to promote steady progress in performance During the May Day holiday, four major regions of Huafa have achieved Five day strong pin thirty Billion

Crowds of Huafa projects are surging

In terms of investment and development, "getting good land" is one of the important indicators to measure the development potential of a real estate enterprise. In 2023, Huafa will further focus on the first and second tier core cities and obtain 23 high-quality projects, all located in high-level cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Chengdu.

Product strength is an important strength of Huafa through the industry cycle. Based on accurate research and judgment of industry trends and more forward-looking thinking and layout of its own development, Huafa took the lead in releasing the "Huafa Technology + A new generation of good houses " , comprehensively iterate product attributes from 15 aspects, Use "technology" +” Means to optimize incremental housing To provide a reference sample of Huafa for the new development model of the real estate industry.

Huafa issued "Huafa Technology+New Generation Good House Product System Technical Standards"

In the past year, a group of outstanding enterprises represented by Huafa Holding Limited seized the trend of slow recovery of the industry and won high recognition in the industry by means of both internal and external improvement and stable operation. In the future, Huafa will still calmly respond to industry trend changes with high quality and strong operation, maintain strategic concentration, steadily move forward with the attitude of chopping waves and forging ahead, and strive to achieve a new round of leapfrog development in the new industry cycle.

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