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Aimed at subdividing the track, the president of property management went to the sea

Leju Finance 2024-05-22 17:54 13.8w Read

Ye Mingjie, the former president of Shimao Services, has a new destination.

Wen/Leju Finance Fan Huiru

"The road ahead is long and bright, and life is full of stars".

25 days after the official declaration of resignation, Shimao Service The new direction of former president Ye Mingjie has surfaced.

On May 21, Ye Mingjie updated an update in his circle of friends. In addition to the opening sentence, he also added a topic tag "Kai Xin" and three pictures.

In the first picture, several cans of red cola cans are placed on the table in a trapezoid shape, which is unique to many parties and celebrations. The cans are engraved with a striking blessing that the opening is good, and more importantly, the words "Bi Chao Zhilian".

When Leju Finance checked the industrial and commercial information, only one related result appeared for the company with the words "Bichao Zhilian", that is, Shanghai Bichao Zhilian Property Service Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Bichao Zhilian Property" for short). What is more "coincidentally" is that this company was also just founded on April 10 this year, which is consistent with the theme of "opening happily".

In the second picture, he stands in front of a row of desks and takes a group photo with seven other people. In the picture, he is wearing a gray checked double breasted suit, standing in the middle, beaming, with his left hand thumbs up and facing the camera, smiling.

The third picture is also his portrait, a cartoon boy striding forward in the colorful sunset, which complements the positive and hopeful attitude towards life expressed in his writing.

Walking at the crossroads of life at the age of 45, Ye Mingjie said goodbye to his old employer of 20 years and chose to start his own business.

According to Leju Finance, Bichao Zhilian Property is mainly engaged in property management and other services, but there is no Ye Mingjie in the shareholding information of shareholders. Instead, Cai Chuangeng holds 99% of the shares and Li Suyun holds 1%.

Next, he will try something different. However, it is not easy to establish a foothold in the property management industry, which starts from scratch and is an independent third-party property enterprise.

And Li Changjiang, the former property management boss, remained on the temporary post after leaving office Country Garden Service The company consultant of Ye Mingjie is different. Ye Mingjie leaves his post completely Shimao In addition to the service related positions, he also resigned from the shimao group As a non-executive director.

In contrast, Li Changjiang and Country Garden It seems that the service did not completely "break up". Leju Finance learned that Li Changjiang and several former colleagues also jointly hold Ningbo Yuyou Information Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Yuyou Partnership").

The partnership was established in September 2020, in which Li Changjiang held 9.25% of the shares, and BGI Garden service executives Huang Peng, Xu Binhuai, Yuan Hongkai, Guo Zhanjun, etc. were all among the shareholders.

All the CEOs of the property enterprises who have left in recent years have made it clear that they will retire, find another job, return to their families, and start their own businesses.

Apart from Ye Mingjie, Tang Xuebin is a typical one. These property management presidents have experienced the high moment of capital in the property management industry, and also experienced the gloom of the property management industry's stepping down from the "altar". They seem to know more about looking for subdivision tracks.

Tang Xuebin, Colorful life One of the former "soul figures". In 2002, from Zhonghai Property Tang Xuebin, who left, entered Huayuannian , participated in the creation of the color life brand. In 2014, Colorful Life was listed as the first property stock.

Tang Xuebin witnessed the 18 years of Cai Life from its inception to its peak, which was also the year when the property management industry was highly sought after by capital. In 2020, he gradually faded out of Cai Life, and even had the intention of retiring.

"Over the past 18 years, I have spent too much time and energy in the property management industry and colorful life." Obviously, Tang Xuebin is not willing to end his career in this regard. "I feel that some ideas are still not implemented, and some ideas have not yet been implemented."

After two years of silence, Tang Xuebin finally chose to return to the Jianghu. He returns to the public's view again, and his identity has become the founder of Heng Haoting Group. Born in 1968, he was more than 50 years old. After his second venture, Tang Xuebin did not leave the property management field after all, but focused on the parking service of the subdivided track.

Today, Tang Xuebin's WeChat avatar is the logo of "Heng Haoting". Tang Xuebin's latest identity is the chairman of Shenzhen Hengchetong Parking Service Co., Ltd. ("Hengchetong" for short), and Hengchetong is an important company platform for Tang Xuebin to do parking space asset services.

Hengchetong was established in June 2020 with the goal of becoming a professional parking space asset operation service organization. It can be seen from the shareholder lineup that Tang Xuebin has brought in friends who have worked with Cai for many years in the past, such as Wang Jie, Yang Jianjun, Kang Tianbiao and others.

In the latest equity structure of Hengchetong, Tang Xuebin is the largest shareholder, and his direct or indirect shareholding is 45.85%; Next is Wang Jie, who indirectly benefited 27% of the shares through Shenzhen Hengsaifu Technology Co., Ltd. ("Hengsaifu" for short); Yang Jianjun indirectly benefited 11.74% through Shenzhen Hengsaifu Business Service Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Hengsaifu; Kang Tianbiao and Zhang Jie also indirectly benefited 7.22% respectively through the partnership and Hengsaifu.

In the business introduction of Hengchetong, it focused on providing asset entrusted operation and management services for real estate developers and owners, including upgrading and reconstruction of parking lots, improvement of parking space quality, value-added operation, etc., to promote the appreciation and preservation of the parking space assets of the purchased owners.

As Tang Xuebin said, they not only serve the developers to help them to reduce the stock of parking spaces, but also serve the owners who have purchased parking spaces to help them operate and manage their parking spaces, including rental, secondary sales and parking space decoration.

Tang Xuebin, 56, is always good at talking and sharing. On May 11, he shared in the circle of friends about the signing of strategic cooperation agreement between the company and Kanachi.

He revealed that the two sides cooperated to carry out diversified cooperation on new and used cars through community channels, combining the two highly related scenarios of parking spaces and vehicles, so that owners could obtain real car purchase discounts and value maintenance and appreciation services for parking spaces.

From the founding time of Hengchetong, Tang Xuebin has also started his business for nearly 4 years, and its economic benefits are unknown. Perhaps it is modest, or frank, Tang Xuebin only said, "Now there is no model, I am still groping".

However, in most public places, where Tang Xuebin spoke, he spared no effort to promote the prospect of parking space capitalization operation, "parking space is a place where all real estate companies and asset companies can think carefully, and may be the service that can most easily bring benefits to your platform."

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