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Salary list of CEOs of material enterprises: the maximum salary cut is 20 million yuan, and some people's annual salary is only 20000 yuan

Leju Finance 2024-05-20 13:47 15.7w Read

Nearly 70% of CEOs of state-owned property enterprises cut their salaries.

Graphic/Leju Finance Jiumian, Wenyu, Huiru

The burden on the executives of property enterprises is becoming heavier.

The past 2023 is still full of difficulties for the property management industry. In the continuously depressed market environment, executives are also facing more pressure than before. Since this year alone, there have been 7 listed property enterprises changing their guard.

When the former "cash cow" was no longer productive and had to live a frugal life, the wealth myth of executives also gradually ended.

On May 17, Leju Finance and Economics made statistics on the executive compensation of listed property enterprises in 2023, involving more than 70 chairmen and CEOs of 60 property enterprises. Last year, 74 of them were paid, with a total remuneration of about 190 million yuan.

Previously, Leju Finance once counted the executive compensation of listed property enterprises in 2022, involving 53 CEOs of property enterprises, whose total compensation exceeded 200 million; Further forward, in 2021, the total annual salary of 48 CEOs of listed property enterprises in Leju Finance will also exceed 200 million yuan

Although there are some differences in the specific caliber, the compensation of the senior executives of the property enterprises is indeed not as good as that of the previous years.

Ten million annual salary, one person left

An overview of the executive compensation table of listed real estate enterprises in 2023, Baolong Commerce Chen Deli, the chief executive of the company, once again won the top with an annual salary of 36.72 million yuan, which has been the top of the executive compensation list of listed property enterprises for three consecutive years.

In 2021 and 2022, Chen Deli's annual salary will be 56.902 million yuan and 57.123 million yuan respectively. In the past 2023, although his salary was significantly reduced by 20.403 million yuan compared with the previous year due to the impact of the equity incentive plan, he was still ahead of other peers.

Born in August 1974, Chen Deli worked successively Cade Wanda New Town, with a very eye-catching resume background. In March 2020, Chen Deli announced to leave the new city; Three months later, Baolong Commercial officially took office and was appointed Chief Executive Officer. In the first year of performance, Chen Deli actually worked for only half a year, but his annual salary from Baolong Commercial was about 18.5 million yuan that year.

Against the pressure of industry development, Chen Deli led Baolong's business to achieve steady growth for three consecutive years. Xu Jiankang and Xu Huafang's father and son naturally gave him high salary rewards.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Deli is also the only "working emperor" with an annual salary of 10 million yuan.

In 2022, in addition to Chen Deli, Country Garden Service Li Changjiang (15159000 yuan), then President Shimao Service The annual salary of the then president Ye Mingjie (11.522 million yuan) and other senior executives also exceeded 10 million yuan.

At present, Country Garden The service has not yet disclosed a complete financial report. It is unknown whether Li Changjiang and his successor Xu Binhuai, who announced their resignation last October, will receive their respective remuneration of 10 million yuan.

However, Leju Finance and Economics reviewed the appointment announcement at that time and found that Xu Binhuai's basic annual salary was about 1136400 yuan. Among them, the monthly basic salary of the president of Country Garden Service is 50000 yuan, and the monthly basic salary of other management positions of the Group is about 44700 yuan.

Of course, in addition, Xu Binhuai also enjoys special incentives and annual bonuses according to his work performance, company policies and business conditions. Therefore, it is hard to say whether his final annual salary will exceed his predecessor Li Changjiang or ten million yuan. According to the statistics of Leju Finance, from 2019 to 2022, Li Changjiang's annual salary and bonus were 6.51 million yuan.

In 2023, the salary of Cao Hongling and Ye Mingjie will both decrease significantly. The former's annual salary will be 2.138 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.374 million yuan; The latter's annual salary was 6.561 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.961 million yuan.

near seven Chengyang State owned Enterprise Property Management CEO Pay cut

Chen Deli, CEO of Baolong Commerce, cut his salary by more than 20 million yuan, bringing down the peak salary of property executives. In the same period, the lower limit of executive compensation was also reduced.

In 2023, there will be two senior executives in the property enterprises with annual salaries of less than 100000 yuan. among Evergrande Property Duan Shengli, Chairman of the Board of Directors, was paid 22000 yuan as the bottom salary.

Leju Finance and Economics noted that in 2023, it will be more common for CEOs of state-owned property enterprises to reduce their salaries. Of the 13 CEOs of state-owned property enterprises, a total of 9 had their salaries cut. It accounts for nearly 70%. In 2022, only 4 of the 11 CEOs of state-owned property enterprises will cut their salaries.

among Zhujiang Shares The chairman of the board of directors of the company has changed in 2023. Lu Zhiyu takes over from Zhang Yan as the secretary of the party committee of the company. The term of office of the chairman is from April 26, 2023 to July 13, 2026. The total pre tax remuneration he received in 2023 was 643900 yuan, and the remuneration in 2022 was not disclosed.

China Resources Vientiane Life President Yu Linkang's remuneration is the highest among CEOs of state-owned property enterprises, at 6.432 million yuan. However, after a salary cut of 1.915 million yuan in 2022, his salary will be reduced by 271000 yuan in 2023.

Zhonghai Property Zhang Guiqing, Chairman of the Board of Directors, is only second to Yu Linkang in his annual salary of 4.9 million yuan. In 2023, he was reduced by 1.413 million yuan, the largest salary reduction among CEOs of state-owned enterprises.

POLY property Wu Yulan, Chairman of the Board CCB Development Property Chief Executive Qiao Haixia and Financial Street Property Sun Jie, the chairman of the board of directors, is a member of the pay rise group. Among them, Wu Yulan will receive 4.16 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 813000 yuan compared with 2022, with the largest salary increase. The salaries of Qiao Haixia and Sun Jie increased by 482000 yuan and 20000 yuan respectively.

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