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Dividend assets strengthened collectively, PetroChina rose by more than 6%, and the CSI dividend ETF (515080) rose 0.81% in early trading shock!

The interface has Lianyun 2024-03-29 12:26 1.8w Read

On March 29, 2024, the two cities continued the pattern of shock, and the growth value of the "Qiaoban" effect reappeared. Petrochemical, steel, coal, banks and other high dividend sectors rose. PetroChina Up by more than 6%, Wujin Stainless Increase by more than 5%, Huaxin Cement SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation Up more than 3%, Baosteel Lu'an Huanneng , Orchid Scientific Innovation CPIC And other multi stocks rose more than 2%.

The CSI dividend ETF (515080) covering high dividend individual stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges was in a volatile and upward state in the morning, up 0.81% by the time of issuance, with a turnover of more than 86 million yuan.


Image source: Wind

Recently, due to the "first quarterly dividend" since listing, China Securities dividend ETF has attracted more attention from the market. According to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the net subscription of dividend ETF of CSI has continued in the past three days, and the accumulated net subscription amount in the interval has exceeded 100 million yuan.


Data source: Fund announcement

It can be seen from the fund announcement that this dividend is not only the eighth dividend of the CSI dividend ETF since its establishment, but also the first quarterly dividend. According to the dividend terms adjustment announcement issued by the ETF a few days ago, the future ETF will "quarterly evaluate dividend", and the future quarterly dividend may be expected.

Source: Lianyun in the interface

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