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Shaanxi Coal Industry

Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd

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Financial data (CNY)

2024 Mid term Report

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  • Full name of the issuer

    Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd

  • Company Abbreviation

    Shaanxi Coal Industry

  • Company Profile

    Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shaanxi Coal Industry" or "the Company") is a limited liability company jointly established on December 23, 2008 by Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. with the capital contribution of its main coal industry assets, in conjunction with Three Gorges Group, Huaneng Development, Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals, and Shaangu Group. On January 28, 2014, Shaanxi Coal Industry was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the stock code of 601225, issued 1 billion shares and raised 4 billion yuan. After the issuance, the total share capital of the company is 10 billion yuan. The controlling shareholder of the company is Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Shaanxi Provincial SASAC. The company has strong resource advantages, product advantages, location advantages, policy advantages and professional management advantages. By the end of 2017, the company had 16.433 billion tons of coal geological reserves and 10.269 billion tons of recoverable reserves. More than 90% of the coal reserves belonged to high-quality coal, and more than 90% of the coal resources were located in high-quality coal producing areas such as northern Shaanxi and Huanglong. The main business of the company is coal mining, washing, processing, sales and production services. The main product is coal, which is characterized by low ash, low sulfur, low phosphorus and high calorific value. It is high-quality coal for power, chemical and metallurgical purposes. The company has many brands such as "Huangling Brand", "Huangling No.1", "Yuhua Brand", "Hongliulin Brand", and has been rated as "Trustworthy Product" and "High Quality Coal Product" by Shaanxi Province for many times. In recent years, the company has focused on economic benefits, scientifically planned internal and external development elements, excavated the company's potential, strictly controlled costs, improved internal management, adjusted and optimized structure, deepened internal reform, and unswervingly followed the path of safe and green development. In 2017, the company completed 100.97 million tons of raw coal output and 123.38 million tons of coal sales; The operating income was 50.927 billion yuan, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 10.449 billion yuan, and the earnings per share was 1.04 yuan/share. As of December 31, 2017, the company had total assets of 105.407 billion yuan, owner's equity of 58.570 billion yuan, and 28000 employees. The company will adhere to the coal development policy of overall planning, scientific layout, intensive development, green mining, efficient transformation and clean utilization, adhere to adjusting the stock, optimizing the increment, improving the quality and efficiency, intensive development, deepening reform, innovation driven, adhering to the principle of green development and clean utilization, relying on production, taking users as the center, and taking the large logistics system as the platform, Adhere to win-win development and establish a coal whole value chain coordination system. Give full play to Shaanxi's regional and coal industry competitive advantages, optimize the competitive structure of the coal industry, and strive to make the company a world-class energy enterprise.

  • Stock code


  • Stock Abbreviation

    Shaanxi Coal Industry

  • Listing date


  • Issue price per share (yuan)


  • Total market value (yuan)

    4 billion

  • Opening price on the first day (yuan)

    four point eight zero

  • Turnover rate on the first day


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