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Meijin Energy

Shanxi Meijin Energy Co., Ltd

Enterprise Dynamics

Financial data (CNY)

2024 Mid term Report

Enterprise announcement

Enterprise research report

Enterprise information

  • Full name of the issuer

    Shanxi Meijin Energy Co., Ltd

  • Company Abbreviation

    Meijin Energy

  • Company Profile

    Shanxi Meijin Energy Co., Ltd. is a company mainly engaged in coking plant production, coal mine, coal bed methane development, investment, wholesale and retail of coke. The company's main products are coke, coal tar, coal gangue, crude benzene, gas, metallurgical coke, etc.

  • Stock code


  • Stock Abbreviation

    Meijin Energy

  • Listing date


  • Issue price per share (yuan)

    five point eight zero

  • Total market value (yuan)

    174 million

  • Opening price on the first day (yuan)

    twenty point eight zero

  • Turnover rate on the first day


Latest information

Meijin Energy (000723. SZ

The interface has Lianyun 3.0w Reading 03-04

5.19 - 6.30