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Haitong Securities

Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

Securities and futures industry

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  • Full name of the issuer

    Haitong Securities Co., Ltd

  • Company Abbreviation

    Haitong Securities

  • Company Profile

    Founded in 1988, the company is the only large-scale securities company that has not been renamed or invested among the earliest securities companies in China. The company's predecessor was Shanghai Haitong Securities Company, which was restructured and developed into a national securities company in 1994. The company has a solid foundation of brokerage business, with more than 340 business departments at home and abroad, more than 7.3 million retail customers, nearly 20000 institutional customers and high net worth customers, and customer assets of more than 2.2 trillion yuan. The market share of the total trading volume of the brokerage business has remained at the forefront of the market. The company was one of the first to obtain the qualification of hosting the NEEQ, and the NEEQ market making business is in the leading position in the industry. The research strength and influence of the company rank top in the industry, and won the second place of the best local research team of New Fortune in 2015. The company's innovative business has always been at the forefront of the market, and it was the first to obtain the qualifications for innovative business such as margin trading, agreed repurchase securities trading, securities dealers' counter market, insurance fund management, public fund custody, independent custody of partnerships, futures asset management, and RQFLP. In September 2015, the company successfully acquired the Portuguese Holy Spirit Investment Bank and renamed it Haitong Bank, further improving Haitong's international popularity and brand influence, further improving its overseas layout and deepening its international strategy.

  • Stock code


  • Stock Abbreviation

    Haitong Securities

  • ISIN


  • exchange

    Hong Kong Stock Exchange

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5.19 - 6.30