Grass Villa District


Grass Villa District

Create contemporary garden residential life

On sale Brand real estate enterprise China Green Hair Static and dynamic separation park hospital Large supermarket
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Beijing property Tongzhou Real Estate Grass Villa District
Luneng Grass Town is located outside the East Fifth Ring Road, the administrative region of which is under the jurisdiction of Tongzhou District, Beijing. It is located in the north of the sub central core area of Beijing city under planning and construction. It is a large-scale project of European architectural garden style, built by the responsible central enterprise China Green Hair, and based on the legendary perfume town of southern France Grass, over several years. The project starts from Bifu Road in the east, ends at Wenyu River in the west, and borders Xuyin Road in the south, The natural environment of the project is high quality, and the product quality of the single house property is guaranteed. At present, the first and second groups of Phase VI Mingdelanding are mainly on sale. Phase VI Mingdelanding consists of 616 sets of new Chinese style courtyard and stacked villa products, including 116 households in the first group of Phase VI (12 households of courtyard+104 households of stacked villa); 500 households in the second group of Phase VI (264 households combined with+236 households combined).
The building in Glasshu District provides the house price in Glasshu District, Beijing, the house type of the building, the address of the building in Glasshu Town, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, the property right period, property fees, developers, sales phone numbers, greening rate, surrounding facilities, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, banks, surrounding maps, transportation and other building information.
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