After Gaohe Automobile received an investment of 1 billion dollars, it is reported that China Express has established a restructuring working group and a joint operation working group

2024-05-17 20:43 IT Home- Ask the boat
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IT Home reported on May 17 that the tram park today announced that the parent company of Gaohe Automobile, China Express, had signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with the automobile investment consulting platform iAuto in Hong Kong on May 10. It is said that iAuto plans to invest US $1 billion (IT Home remarks: currently about 7.22 billion yuan) in China Express.

In response to this, Gaohe Automobile said: "The specific information of the cooperation between the two sides is subject to the official announcement. For more information, please pay attention to the release of official channels." As for when the resumption of work and production will take place, Gaohe said: "Gaohe has been working hard to constantly promote relevant work."

In addition, the interface news also reported that China Express had issued an internal announcement announcing the establishment of a restructuring working group and a joint operation working group. The Restructuring Working Group will be responsible for the restructuring of all operations related activities from equity, including four groups: shareholder side affairs, government side, supplier side and employee side; The joint operation working group is responsible for the daily decision-making and operation of the company, which consists of seven groups: product planning, project design engineering, production and supply chain, marketing, finance, legal affairs, human resources and comprehensive functions.

IAuto was founded by professionals involved in finance, investment and consulting services, and has extensive expertise in the automotive industry. IAuto also has a large number of technical reserves and international patents in the field of clean energy vehicle powertrain and motor system.

It is reported that the scope of cooperation between iAuto and China Express includes but is not limited to production collaboration to complete sales orders, equity mergers and acquisitions, technical cooperation, brand and international sales docking, and related integration of supply chain and manufacturing. iAuto will fully support the plan of Gaohe Auto to resume business operation and vehicle production.

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