OPPO Reno 12 Series Mobile Phone Details Announced: Diamond architecture, no network call

2024-05-17 19:56 IT Home- Gui Long (Internship)

On May 17, IT Home reported that OPPO officially released more eye-catching configurations and functions of the Reno 12 series mobile phones today, including the previously disclosed no network call function.

Information organized by IT Home is as follows:

OPPO Reno 12 series mobile phones will be equipped with Corning gorilla screen glass, which supports scratch resistance, the official said“ Encounter the key hard object without injury ”; This series of mobile phones will also use a diamond structure to support the accidental fall or heavy crushing "safe".

The notice poster shows that OPPO Reno 12 series mobile phones support IP66 dustproof and waterproof features; In addition, OPPO Reno 12 series mobile phones also Support non network call function

IT Home previously reported that OPPO Reno 12 series mobile phones are designed with a small straight screen, with silver and purple color matching. The rear three camera vertical arrangement will use a "four curve straight screen with flexible edges". The built-in anti touch algorithm supports the anti touch function. At the same time, the handfeel of the mobile phone has also been optimized, and the official said that "both horizontal and vertical handfeel are good".

OPPO Reno 12 series mobile phones will be released at 16:00 on May 23, which will also bring OPPO Enco R3 headset and Pad Air2 tablet aurora violet color matching.

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