In - (- 2), (- 1) 3, - 22, (- 2) 2, - ∨ - 2 ∨, (- 1) 2n (n is a positive integer

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Among the six numbers - (- 2), (- 1) 3, - 22, (- 2) 2, - ∨ - 2 ∨, (- 1) 2n (n is a positive integer), the number of negative numbers is () A. 1, B. 2, C. 3, D. 4

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Answer analysis:

Test question analysis:

Negative Number: a number less than 0 is negative.

Positive Number: A number greater than 0 is a positive number.

The opposite of a negative number is a positive number.

The absolute value of a positive number is positive, and the absolute value of a negative number is its opposite.

-(-2)=2; (-1)3=-1;- 22,=-4; (-2)2=4;-∣- 2 ∨=- 2, (- 1) 2n (n is a positive integer)=1

So select C.

Comment: This question requires examinees to pay attention to the type of questions (- 1) 2n (n is a positive integer). It seems simple, but it is actually complex.

Test core:

Definition of rational number: rational number is the general name of integer and fraction. All rational numbers can be transformed into fractions.

Sunrise 2024-06-21 13:42:57

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Sentence making:
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5. Our cause is far from exhausted.
6. Young people should have the ambition to do something.
7. Some old revolutionary comrades are healthy in their old age and continue to give play to the surplus heat for the socialist cause.
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