Is Fan Wencheng a descendant of Fan Zhongyan

The garden is scented with flowers
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Fan Wencheng is a descendant of Fan Zhongyan. His great ancestor was a Jinshi during Zhengde's reign, and his official position was the minister of the Ministry of War. From the perspective of his family background, Fan Wencheng is definitely a descendant of a famous family. According to historical records, the Emperor Fan Wencheng was intelligent, and he studied hard. He often read late at night. This made him a famous prodigy.

In the third year of Tianming of the Later Jin Dynasty (1618), Nurhachi captured Fushun, and Fan Wencheng also surrendered to the Later Jin Dynasty. Fan Wencheng, who first came to the Jin Dynasty, was put into the red flag to assist Belleshotto. When Huang Taiji came to power, he began to set up a school to recruit Confucian scholars. At this time, Fan Wencheng was gradually reused.

In the third year of Tiancong (1629), Fan Wencheng followed Huang Taiji to the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Huang Taiji captured Zunhua, a strategic place, and ordered Fan Wencheng to stay before marching again. This shows how much Fan Wencheng is valued. When Huang Taiji was blocked in Da'ankou, Fan Wencheng urgently raised and mobilized artillery to reinforce and help the Qing army out of danger.

During Fan Wencheng's service to the Qing Dynasty, two things were the most critical. One was to design the removal of Yuan Chonghuan, and the other was to devise a plan to subdue Wu Sangui and fight with Li Zicheng. In terms of the former, Fan Wencheng lured Chongzhen to kill Yuan Chonghuan and destroy the Great Wall by using a conspiracy of alienation, which removed a major obstacle for the Qing army; As for the latter, Fan Wencheng urged Dourgen to attack decisively and swing his troops into the pass while the chaos was breaking, so that he was able to settle Beijing.

Introduction of Fan Wencheng:

Fan Wencheng (1597-1666) was born in Shenyang (today's Shenyang), Liaodong, with the name of Xiandou and the name of Huiyue. Politician and strategist in the early Qing Dynasty. He once served as Emperor Taizong, Emperor Taizong, Emperor Shizu, and Emperor Shengzu of the Qing Dynasty, and was an important official of the early Qing Dynasty. Most of the regulations of the founding of the Qing Dynasty came from him, and he was regarded as the leader of civil servants.

Fan Wencheng was young and fond of reading. In the 43rd year of Wanli (1615), he was admitted as a scholar in Shenyang County at the age of 18. In the 46th year of Wanli (1618), the Eight Banners Army of the Later Jin Dynasty captured Fushun. Fan Wencheng and his brother Fan Wencai took the initiative to meet Nurhachi and became one of the founding fathers of the Qing Dynasty. During the Emperor Taizong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, he was deeply depended on. He participated in the decision-making of the strategy of crusading the Ming Dynasty, instigating the Ming Dynasty officials, attacking Korea, pacifying Mongolia, and building the national system.

In the fifth year of Kangxi (1666), Fan Wencheng died at the age of 70. Kangxi wrote a memorial ceremony in person and gave it to Hongluo Mountain buried in Huairou County, with the posthumous title of Wensu. Emperor Kangxi wrote the words "Yuan Fu Gao Feng" in his own handwriting as the highest evaluation of him.

Is Fan Wencheng a descendant of Fan Zhongyan

Fan Wencheng is a descendant of Fan Zhongyan.

Fan Wencheng, known as Xiandou, was the 17th grandson of Fan Zhongyan, a famous prime minister in the Northern Song Dynasty. He once served as Emperor Taizong, Emperor Taizong, Emperor Shizu, and Emperor Shengzu of the Qing Dynasty, and was an important official of the early Qing Dynasty. Most of the regulations of the founding of the Qing Dynasty came from him, and he was regarded as the leader of civil servants.

Fan Wencheng was young and fond of reading. In the 43rd year of Wanli's reign, he was admitted as a scholar in Shenyang County at the age of 18. In the 46th year of Wanli, the Eight Banners Army of the Later Jin Dynasty captured Fushun. Fan Wencheng and his brother Fan Wencai volunteered to meet Nurhachi and became one of the founding fathers of the Qing Dynasty.

During the Emperor Taizong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, he was deeply depended on. He participated in the decision-making of the strategy of crusading the Ming Dynasty, instigating the Ming Dynasty officials, attacking Korea, pacifying Mongolia, and building the national system. Fan Wencheng died at the age of 70 in the fifth year of Kangxi.

Fan Zhongyan (October 1, 989 to June 19, 1052), written in Greek. Originally from Binzhou, he moved to Wuxian County, Suzhou. Outstanding statesman and litterateur in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Fan Zhongyan made achievements in local governance and border defense. His literary achievements are outstanding. His idea of "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the world later" and the moral integrity of people with lofty ideals have a profound impact on later generations. Fan Wenzheng's Official Documents has been handed down.

Always on the road 2024-06-21 13:43:53

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