Guangzhou won the digital RMB pilot!

2022-04-02 18:32

As of the press release, no official news confirmed that Guangzhou will be included in the digital RMB pilot, but the 2022 work report of the Guangdong Provincial Government proposed to accelerate the construction of the Guangzhou artificial intelligence and digital economy pilot zone and promote the settlement of the digital RMB pilot

Central Bank: Add 6 cities including Guangzhou as digital RMB pilot areas

According to the official website of the People's Bank of China, the recent symposium on the pilot work of digital RMB R&D decided to add six cities hosting the Asian Games in Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Fuzhou and Xiamen, Fujian, and Zhejiang as pilot areas on the basis of the existing pilot areas The Winter Paralympic Games will be transferred to the pilot area after the completion of the pilot site.

Digital RMB is available in Guangzhou! Let me show you how to use it

Digital RMB has finally arrived in Guangzhou! On March 31, Nanfang+reporters quietly found that some supermarkets and shops in Guangzhou could use digital RMB.

At the Vipshop event in Zhengjia Square, Nanfang+reporters opened the digital RMB module in the pilot bank APP, and a digital RMB with a face value of 50 yuan (pre charged in advance) appeared. Click the "payment" operation, and the page switched to a page containing two-dimensional code and barcode. Then, just like using WeChat payment and Alipay payment, the cashier swipes the QR code at the POS machine, and the page will display the consumption amount and account balance, and inform "payment succeeded".

(Video | Digital RMB is available in Guangzhou for 33 seconds)

Similarly, Nanfang+journalists have also successfully used digital RMB to shop for famous and innovative products in Zhengjia Square. The staff related to famous innovative products told the reporter that at present, CCB, ABC and other banks can use digital RMB in famous innovative products.

What other scenes in Guangzhou can use digital RMB? South+reporters will continue to provide you with the latest information.

Extended Reading

What is digital RMB?

In short, digital RMB is to digitize the real RMB and make payment in electronic form.

What's the difference between digital RMB and WeChat, Alipay and Cloud Flash?

Although the payment functions are similar, there are some differences between digital RMB and electronic payment tools such as WeChat, Alipay and Cloud Flash:

1. Digital RMB is the legal currency of the country and the asset with the highest security level.

2. Digital RMB has value characteristics. It can transfer value without relying on bank accounts, and supports offline transactions. It has the characteristics of "payment is settlement".

3. Digital RMB supports controllable anonymity, which is conducive to protecting personal privacy and user information security.

Is Guangzhou a pilot of digital RMB?

At present, digital RMB has a total of "10+1" pilot areas and scenarios, including Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiong'an, Chengdu, Shanghai, Hainan, Changsha, Xi'an, Qingdao, Dalian, and Winter Olympics scenarios (Beijing and Zhangjiakou). As of the press release, no official news confirmed that Guangzhou will be included in the digital RMB pilot, but the 2022 work report of the Guangdong Provincial Government proposed to accelerate the construction of the Guangzhou artificial intelligence and digital economy pilot zone and promote the settlement of the digital RMB pilot.

Which banks have access to digital RMB?

With the continuous enrichment of digital RMB payment scenarios, its recharge methods are also increasingly diversified. After completing the registration of the "Digital RMB" APP, new users can choose to open digital wallets of ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, Online Commercial Bank (Alipay), WeBank (payment) and other banks. In addition, there is also a digital RMB module on the bank APP, which can complete digital RMB recharge.

[Tips for using digital RMB]

1、 Digital RMB APP

1. Download "Digital RMB APP" to complete registration and login, and select a bank to open a digital RMB "wallet"

2. Recharge digital RMB "wallet"

3. When using, remember the pithy formula of "sliding payment and sliding collection", and scan the POS machine of the merchant when paying

4. Confirm the consumption amount and enter the password (you can also choose to pay without password)

5. Payment succeeded

2、 Bank official APP

1. Find the "Digital RMB" module and register a digital RMB wallet

2. Recharge digital RMB "wallet"

3. Click the "Payment" button to display the QR code and scan it for payment

4. Confirm the consumption amount and enter the password (no password is required after opening the password free payment)

5. Payment completion

(The original title was "Guangzhou Won the Digital RMB Pilot!")

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