Guangzhou: People are busy in spring

Guangzhou Daily Li Fenghe
2022-02-24 09:08

Despite the severe cold with continuous rain some time ago, the spring plowing and preparation in Guangzhou has been carried out in an orderly manner.

Despite the severe cold with continuous rain some time ago, the spring plowing and preparation in Guangzhou has been carried out in an orderly manner.

The agricultural and rural departments carried out a survey of the spring ploughing dryland and coordinated the supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. As the weather clears up in recent days, sowing will be carried out in various places.

Firmly curb "non-agricultural" and strictly control "non-agricultural"

According to the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the grain planting area in Guangzhou will be 438000 mu in 2021, 16000 mu more than the task assigned by the province, and the growth of early rice planting area will be the largest in the province; The output is 151000 tons, which is 9000 tons more than the provincial task. Guangzhou won the provincial excellent grade in the assessment of the implementation of the government responsibility system for food security.

In 2022, the first document of the central government proposed to stabilize the sown area and output of grain throughout the year. It is reported that the grain production task of Guangzhou this year is to maintain a steady increase in area and output, only increasing without decreasing. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has pre broken down the task of grain production for spring ploughing and assigned it to all districts for implementation.

Guangzhou will implement the strictest hard measures to protect cultivated land, strictly observe the red line of cultivated land protection and the permanent basic farmland control line, strictly control the use of cultivated land, resolutely curb "non-agricultural", strictly control "non grain", spare no effort to ensure the safety of "rice bags", strictly implement the responsibility of the party and government for food security, and tighten the spring of grain production.

It is reported that Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has coordinated with the municipal supply and marketing cooperatives, the municipal plant protection station and other departments to reserve and guarantee the supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural films and other materials, reserve 400000 kg of conventional (hybrid) rice seeds, 40554 tons of fertilizers, 1011 tons of pesticides, and carry out special actions to combat counterfeiting of agricultural materials.

The reporter learned that Guangzhou is going to invest 970000 kilowatts of total power in agricultural machinery for spring plowing this year, and about 38000 sets of agricultural machinery will be invested.

The Silk Millet Industrial Park will start on the second day of the new year

"Although we met with cold and rainy weather some time ago, our spring plowing and preparation were not affected too much." Han Jianhua, the person in charge of the provincial modern agricultural industrial park of Shimiaomi in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, told reporters that the park had arranged staff to work since the second day of the New Year, and started rice seedling raising early. Due to the timely implementation of warm keeping measures, low temperature and rainy weather did not cause great problems. Han Jianhua said that in Zhucun base, they plan to plant 3060 mu of silk seedling rice this year. Next, if the seeding is affected by the weather, they are also ready for drone aerial seeding.

UAV spraying and other technologies are widely used in agricultural production in Guangzhou.

In Guangzhou, agricultural modernization has gradually become another beautiful scenery besides the pastoral landscape. Not only has the degree of agricultural mechanization become higher and higher, but new farming models have sprung up. In Zengcheng, Shixiang Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative introduced a group of post-90s college students returning to their hometown as new farmers. By combining innovation and entrepreneurship with innovation in agricultural management, it took organizational management as the starting point, industrial alliances and various forms of alliances and cooperation as the breakthrough point, organized and guided the organic integration of service demand and service resources, further extended the industrial chain of social services Promote the value chain and hasten the birth of new business forms of farmers' cooperatives.

In terms of organization and management, Shixiang Agricultural Machinery has gradually built five professional service teams, namely, "machine farming team, machine cutting team, plant protection team, machine harvesting team, and field manager", and implemented the management mode of unified order operation, unified coordination of agricultural machinery, unified charge price, and accounting for its own profits and losses with a single machine. Relying on the scale and strength of its agricultural machinery equipment, the cooperative carries out single link/multi link trusteeship, whole process trusteeship, whole village promotion of mechanization services, and customized service programs to provide farmers with a whole process mechanized "one-stop" service model, such as mechanized land preparation, mechanized seedling planting, pesticide machine sowing, UAV flight prevention, rice harvesting, straw returning, and technical guidance. The promotion of the whole process mechanized service has improved the mechanization of paddy fields in eight major grain growing towns and streets in Zengcheng, effectively shortened the production time, and improved the production efficiency qualitatively. To a certain extent, the rural labor force has been liberated, and the cooperative has achieved a win-win situation with farmers.

In Conghua District, Dawanglai Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative is also gradually moving towards a new operation service mode of "whole process trusteeship" for rice production. The person in charge of the cooperative said that the cooperative gradually increased the service content of comprehensive farming from seed purchase, fertilizer and pesticide ordering and small machines and tools. All seeds, fertilizers and pesticides served by the cooperatives are centrally purchased and directly supplied, and the agricultural materials are generally 10%~30% lower than the market price. In view of the current situation that farmers use chemical fertilizers at will and do not use scientific and precise fertilization, the cooperatives also provide rice growers with services such as paddy soil detection, intelligent fertilization, UAV variable fertilization, and unified control, and provide farmers with a series of services such as agricultural technology and agricultural machinery technology training, realizing the purpose of precise management, precise fertilization and pesticide application for different crops and different plots.

The agricultural machinery professional cooperative in Shixiang Township, Shitan Town, Zengcheng District is organizing spring plowing. Photographed by Hou Xinquan

Experts go to the countryside to solve technical problems

Recently, the weather has changed greatly, and farmers may encounter various problems in the process of spring plowing. In order to provide technical guidance for spring ploughing, Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized experts from the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Municipal Agricultural Technology Popularization Center, the Municipal Plant Protection General Station and the technical popularization departments of each district to carry out technical guidance in each district for 560 person times.

Since February 18, due to the strong cold air, Guangzhou has experienced continuous low temperature and rainy weather, which has seriously affected agricultural planting and breeding production. The Municipal Agricultural Technology Popularization Center quickly organized technicians to enter fields and households, and took multiple measures to help farmers do a good job of cold prevention and insulation.

Zhang Minqiang, a fourth level researcher of the Municipal Agricultural Technology Popularization Center, told the reporter that the center issued cold warning information through the mobile phone SMS platform of Agrolink, reminding farmers to strengthen planting and breeding production management in advance, and do a good job in preventing and responding to the continuous cold and rainy weather; Organize agricultural technical service teams such as grain and vegetables to go into the countryside for technical guidance and solve the technical problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" in agricultural production. At the same time, we will organize doctors and experts in agriculture to do a good job of online consultation and answer farmers' production problems in a timely manner.

According to Zhang Minqiang, the Municipal Agricultural Technology Popularization Center has prepared and released cold prevention technical measures, timely released cold prevention technical measures such as vegetables and fruit trees, to guide the districts to strengthen the prevention and response to disastrous weather. In addition, the Center also organized experts to prepare the guidance for agricultural production in Guangzhou in the first half of the year, and implemented the technical guidance for grain production and supply of important agricultural products.

Edited by Qin Tian Reviewed by Han Shaojun Reviewed by Zheng Weiheng

(Author: Li Fenghe)
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