With the coming of the "14th Five Year Plan" of Guangzhou and Foshan, what are the major benefits?

Guangzhou Daily Xu Wenwen
2021-12-31 00:00

On December 30, the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" for the Development of Guangzhou Foshan Global Integration (draft for public comments) was released.

Create a spatial pattern of "one zone, three axes and one ring", jointly build four trillion level industrial clusters, realize mutual recognition of bus codes, and mutually recognize the evaluation standards of overseas high-level talents On December 30, the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" for the Development of Guangzhou Foshan Global Integration (Draft for Public Comments) (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was released.

According to the Plan, the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan will focus on promoting the high-quality development of Guangzhou and Foshan, focusing on the integration and efficiency of infrastructure, coordination and linkage of scientific and technological innovation, specialization and cooperation of industries, joint protection and governance of ecological environment, and joint construction and sharing of public services, and comprehensively improve the development level and core competitiveness of Guangzhou and Foshan, It is committed to building a vital pole of world-class urban agglomeration in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and a demonstration area for high-quality urban integration development among cities. Specifically, by 2025, the gross domestic product of Guangfo will reach about 5 trillion yuan, and the central urban area of Guangfo will be accessible in half an hour and the whole area will be accessible in one hour. The intensity of R&D investment will be stable at more than 3%. Looking forward to 2035, the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan will be basically realized.

Space: accelerate the de administration of the boundary of the pilot area

Based on the current situation and the latest requirements of the development of the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan, with the docking and coupling of urban functions as the core, the Planning for the Integration of Guangzhou and Foshan proposes to focus on creating a spatial pattern of "one zone, three axes and one ring".

One district: a leading area for the south-north integration of Guangzhou and Foshan

Along the 197 km north-south boundary line between the two cities, the Guangzhou Foshan high-quality development integration pilot area (including the pilot area of "Guangzhou South Railway Station Foshan Sanlong Bay Liwan Hailong" and four pilot areas of "Liwan Nanhai", "Baiyun Nanhai", "Huadu Sanshui" and "Nansha Shunde") will be jointly built at a high level to speed up the de administration of the boundary of the pilot area, Leading and driving the high-quality integrated development of Guangfo.

Three axes: east-west development axis of integration of Guangzhou and Foshan

Central core development axis: connecting Foshan Chancheng, Nanhai, Guangzhou Liwan, Baiyun, Yuexiu, Haizhu, Tianhe and Huangpu from west to east. The axis will focus on the core functions of headquarters, commerce, culture, finance, medicine and health, vigorously develop modern service industry, especially productive service industry, significantly improve the city's image, quality and energy level, and create a livable, business friendly and tourism friendly Guangfo International Metropolitan Area.

South emerging development axis: the basic trend is Foshan Sanlong Bay (including Nanhai and Shunde) - Panyu and Nansha. The axis will vigorously develop the hub economy (including headquarters, consumption, professional services, etc.), promote the integrated development of culture and tourism industry with Guangzhou Chimelong, Guangzhou Fohui, etc. as the carrier, and build a highland of science and technology cooperation between Guangzhou and Foshan relying on scientific and technological innovation platforms such as Nansha Science City, Guangzhou University City International Innovation City, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Jihua Laboratory, etc.

Green development axis in the north: the basic trend is Sanshui Huadu Conghua Zengcheng. The axis will focus on building an ecological barrier in the north of Guangfo and creating an ecological and cultural tourism cluster; Implement and promote the advanced experience of the Guangqing junction area of the national pilot zone for integrated urban and rural development, build featured small towns at a high level, and continue to optimize the pattern of urban and rural development; We will develop advanced manufacturing industries such as automobiles in an orderly manner and build a manufacturing base in the north of Guangfo.

First ring: Guangzhou Foshan integrated development ring

By connecting major transportation hubs such as Nansha Port, Nansha Station, Yuzhu Station, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou North Railway Station, Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport, and major development platforms such as Nansha Free Trade Zone, Guangzhou Science City, Sino Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, Guangzhou Airport Economic Zone, Fobei Zhan New Industrial Park, Sanshui New Town, Foshan Sub center, etc., the hub and platform are mutually supportive The barrier free flow of resources and elements is the development link of the integration of Guangzhou and Foshan.

This ring will focus on the development of digital economy, advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, strengthen major transportation hubs, relieve the functions of the central urban area of Guangzhou and Foshan, accelerate the improvement of public service facilities such as housing, education and medical care, enhance the economic and population carrying capacity, enhance external radiation and drive, and become a new development pattern of services in Guangzhou and Foshan, It is an important functional area to promote domestic circulation and international and domestic double circulation.

Spatial pattern of Guangzhou Foshan integration

Industry: build 4 trillion level industrial clusters

The Plan proposes that, based on the comparative advantages of Guangfo industry, Guangfo will strengthen the cooperation of industrial division and the joint construction of industrial chains, create a number of cross regional manufacturing industrial clusters, jointly improve the development level of the service industry, build a first-class business environment, and strive to form a new pattern of industrial development with clear division of labor, reasonable layout, and coordinated elements.

In terms of joint development and expansion of manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, the focus is on building four trillion level industrial clusters. We will work together to further promote the development of four trillion level industrial clusters of advanced equipment manufacturing, automobiles, new generation information technology, biomedicine and health industries. By 2025, the scale of Guangfo's advanced equipment manufacturing industry will exceed 2 trillion yuan, the scale of the automobile industry will exceed 1 trillion yuan, and the scale of the new generation information technology industry, biomedicine and health industry will continue to grow rapidly.

It is worth noting that in terms of vigorously developing the productive service industry and high-quality development of the living service industry, the Plan proposes to promote the sharing of exhibition halls and exhibition resources between the two cities by relying on the pazhou and tanzhou exhibition halls in Guangzhou and Foshan, create a number of domestic leading and internationally well-known professional exhibition projects, and coordinate the introduction of internationally renowned exhibition enterprises Professional exhibition organizations and major international brand exhibitions jointly cultivate leading exhibition groups and global professional exhibitions. At the same time, a branch venue of Guangzhou Cultural Industry Fair will be set up in Foshan on a pilot basis to enhance its international influence.

In addition, in order to optimize the industrial development environment, the Guangzhou Foshan Global Investment Conference will be held regularly to form a new mechanism of joint investment promotion, joint development and profit and tax sharing. Promote the free and orderly flow of factors, explore the cumulative mutual recognition of the number of years of household registration access in the same city, and try to implement the household registration system based on the permanent residence; We will explore ways to eliminate restrictions such as indicators for banking institutions to set up cross city branches, strengthen financial regulatory cooperation and joint risk prevention and control, and optimize the allocation of regional financial resources.

Talent support is indispensable for industry development. In terms of strengthening talent cooperation and sharing, Guangfo will jointly build the "Guangfo Manufacturing Talent Corridor", promote the establishment of the manufacturing talent innovation alliance, and support Guangfo enterprises to cooperate in order training of skilled talents in vocational colleges in the two cities. Mutual recognition of the evaluation criteria for overseas high-level talents and inclusion of Foshan's standards for high-level talents into the application conditions for Guangzhou's green card for talents. Explore high-level talents' travel between the two cities without restrictions on vehicle access, mutual recognition of accumulated years of points, and direct online settlement of medical expenses.

Transportation: realize mutual recognition and intercommunication of bus codes

In the most eye-catching aspect of transportation co construction, Guangfo will jointly build a world leading international aviation hub, and promote the aviation hub to reach the central city in 30 minutes, to reach the cities in the Pearl River Delta in one hour, and to connect the cities in the Pan Pearl River Delta in three hours. At the same time, we will vigorously develop general aviation and plan to build new general airports in Nansha, Conghua, Huangpu, Foshan, etc. Strengthen the air rail intermodal transport system, strengthen the seamless connection between Guangzhou North Railway Station and the world-class air rail intermodal transport hub of Baiyun Airport, plan and study the airside express line from Guangzhou North Railway Station to Baiyun Airport and the terminal T4 of Guangzhou North Railway Station, and build a demonstration area of Guangzhou air rail integration economy. Guangzhou National Airport Economic Demonstration Zone will be built with high standards, and Foshan National Airport Economic Zone will be built relying on the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport.

Airport Avenue connects the airport vertically and Guangfo horizontally

In terms of strengthening the function of international shipping hub, Guangzhou Port Group is supported to participate in the joint venture and cooperation of Foshan Inland River Terminal Project, implement the Gaohe Terminal Project in Gaoming Port Area of Foshan Port, promote the joint development of Nansha Port Area and Foshan Inland River Terminal, actively develop river sea, water rail and other multimodal transport, and increase the proportion of goods imported and exported by Foshan enterprises through Nansha Port Area. Promote the joint development of Guangzhou port type national logistics hub and Foshan production service type national logistics hub, and strengthen the logistics service function of Foshan port. Strengthen cooperation with international organizations such as the International Port Association, and support local port and shipping enterprises in Guangfo to participate in the development, construction and operation of international ports and port industrial parks.

We are building a rail transit network, deepening the connection of Guangzhou Foshan urban rail transit, and exploring the establishment of a system of inter city railway and subway system that is compatible and interconnected. At the same time, we will deepen the seamless connection of road traffic. Strengthen the connection between Foshan and the main hub of South China Highway in Guangzhou, add new expressway channels between the two cities, and vigorously promote the construction of projects such as Foqingcong Expressway and Zengfu Expressway; Reserve the planned road cross river channel between the two cities, accelerate the implementation of projects such as Guangfo Bridge system engineering and Chenxiang Bridge, and improve commuting between the key border areas of Guangfo and the central urban area such as Jinshazhou area; Optimize the public transportation network in Guangzhou and Foshan, increase relevant lines, and realize mutual recognition and intercommunication of bus codes.

Foshan Line 2 connecting Guangzhou South Railway Station was officially opened

According to the Planning, the key projects of Guangzhou Foshan traffic connection during the "14th Five Year Plan" period include: national railway, Guangzhou Zhanjiang high-speed railway, Liuzhou Guangzhou railway, Guangning Guangzhou high-speed railway Guangning North connection line, and Guangzhou South connection line; Intercity railway, Guangzhou Foshan Ring Intercity Railway (Foshan West to Guangzhou South Railway Station, Guangzhou South to Baiyun Airport, Foshan West to Guangzhou North Railway Station), Foshan Dongguan Intercity Railway, Foshan via Guangzhou to Dongguan Intercity Railway, Zhaoshun South Intercity Railway, Guangzhou Foshan Jiangzhu Intercity Railway; Urban rail, Guangzhou Metro Line 7 Phase I extends to Shunde in the west, Foshan Metro Line 2 Phase I connects to Guangzhou South Station, and Foshan Metro Line 11 connects to Hedong in Guangzhou; Roads: Foqing Expressway, Guangzhou Zengcheng Foshan Expressway, Huizhou Zhaoqing Expressway, Qingyuan Qingxin Foshan Nanhai Expressway, Guangfo New Trunk Line and West Extension Complex Channel Project, Sanle Road East Extension Complex Channel Project; Guangfo Exit Radiation Phase II, Panhai Bridge, Guangfo Bridge System Project, Chenxiang Bridge, Bijiang Bridge, Guangfo Tongxin Bridge Project, Caibin North Road, Tannan Road Education Road, Yulan Road Gangkou Road River crossing channel.

Edited by Qin Tian Reviewed by Liu Chunsheng Reviewed by Zhang Xuesong and Li Linxi

(Author: Xu Wenwen)
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