Guangzhou has issued 16.77 million social security cards in total

Guangzhou Daily
2021-12-17 12:20

Promote the implementation of "One Card" of financial subsidies for people and farmers in Guangzhou, further expand the application scope of electronic social security cards, promote the universal use of electronic social security cards in social security, urban transportation, medical treatment and drug purchase, public services and other fields, and explore the establishment of "One Card" service and management model for residents' services

Today (December 17), the reporter of Guangzhou Daily · New Huacheng learned from Guangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Data Service Center that as of November, the number of social security card holders in Guangzhou had exceeded 16.77 million, and the number of electronic social security cards issued had reached 21.68 million, integrating Medical insurance card, health card, bank card, book reader card, Yangchengtong card, preferential treatment card The function of waiting for cards (certificates) enables the masses to handle cards less frequently.

At present, Guangzhou's social security card has realized more than 200 government services and convenience applications. The pension, unemployment benefits, employment and entrepreneurship subsidies, old-age subsidies, rural fixed observation point survey subsidies and other social security cards have been used for the distribution of retirees in Guangzhou.

Citizens can apply for social security cards through various platforms such as "Guangdong Provincial Affairs"

On December 10, the Administrative Measures of Guangzhou Social Security Card (Revised Draft) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") was reviewed and approved at the 165th executive meeting of the 15th municipal government. Citizens can apply for social security cards through various online service platforms such as "Guangdong Provincial Affairs", "Guangzhou Haoban" and "Guangdong People's Club", or go to the social security card cooperative bank outlets with their valid identity cards. The new Measures specify that the initial application time is shortened from 30 days to 12 working days. If the applicant urgently needs to use the card, he/she can go to the instant card printing outlet of the social security card cooperative bank with his/her valid ID card, and wait on the spot.

The Measures also specify that sufficient space should be reserved for the future development of social security cards, and encourage application units to expand more application scenarios of social security cards, including smart city services, social livelihood services and other applications in livelihood fields, promote cross domain and cross industry integrated applications, and gradually promote the "all-in-one card" of public services with social security cards as the carrier. With the social security card as the medium, "record life, serve life and guarantee life" for the cardholder.

The city has more than 2000 service outlets and launched a number of convenience services

As of November, the city had more than 2000 bank and community service outlets, 17 online channels, and 14.816 million offline and online social security card services. On the basis of policies and measures such as annual fee free, small account management fee free, loss reporting and cancellation fee free, non local or inter-bank withdrawal fee free, free access to credit card SMS service and bank exclusive service, Guangzhou Social Security Card has recently taken the lead in the province in promoting convenience services for online application for free verification photos and providing receipt numbers. As of November, 1308500 people were exempted from the trouble of applying for the photo payment of the People's Photo Gallery, which has saved the masses more than 26.17 million yuan.

In the next stage, Guangzhou will further expand the application scope and field of social security cards. Promote the implementation of "one card" of financial subsidy funds for people and farmers in Guangzhou, further expand the application scope of electronic social security cards, promote the universal use of electronic social security cards in social security, urban transportation, medical treatment and drug purchase, public services and other fields, and explore the establishment of a "one card" service and management model for resident services.

Article/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Liu Chunlin Correspondent: Guo Huihua
Picture/Guangzhou Daily · New Flower City reporter: Yang Yaoye

(The original title "Guangzhou has issued 16.77 million social security cards in total")

Edited by Gao Yuan Reviewed by Wu Jianlin Reviewed by Zhang Xuesong

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