Zhuhai's counterpart helps the agricultural and sideline products in the area to enter the government offices and units, contributing to the rural revitalization

Pearl River Evening News
2021-12-06 20:57

Zhuhai contributes to rural revitalization.

On November 30, the last 2021 Rural Revitalization Agricultural and Sideline Products Series Promotion Fair was held in Xiangzhou District People's Government of Zhuhai City. Previously, this series of trade fairs had been held in some government agencies, residential communities, enterprises and institutions in Zhuhai, and achieved good results.

At noon that day, the reporter saw at the activity site that black tea, tofu skin, mushrooms, beef jerky and other high-quality and inexpensive agricultural and sideline products from Zhuhai counterpart assistance areas such as Zunyi in Guizhou, Yangjiang in Guangdong and Maoming were intensively displayed, attracting many cadres and workers to come to buy during the noon break.

"For our grass-roots civil servants, we can buy high-quality agricultural and sideline products from Zunyi at the work unit, which is very convenient for the purchase experience. At the same time, the prices of these freshest mountain food materials are also very affordable." Mr. Hu, a civil servant who purchases agricultural and sideline products at the scene, told reporters. Mr. Miao, a resident of the nearby community, learned that the fair was the last one and came to the scene to choose and buy. He said that while purchasing high-quality and healthy food materials, ordinary citizens could also contribute to rural revitalization.

It is understood that this special promotion fair is hosted by the Municipal Bureau of Rural Revitalization, undertaken by Zhuhai Agricultural Control Group, and implemented by Zhuhai Vegetable Basket Investment Co., Ltd., Xiangzhou District Bureau of Rural Revitalization, and Xiangzhou District Federation of Trade Unions.

The purpose of the activity is to focus on consumption to help agriculture and rural revitalization, and work together online and offline to dig the "source" of sustainable development of agricultural and sideline products in Zhuhai's counterpart areas, and connect the sales channels of products from Zunyi, Maoming, Yangjiang and other places into the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area market, so as to achieve a continuous trickle and promote Zunyi, Maoming Yangjiang and other Zhuhai counterparts helped the areas to step into the fast lane of rural revitalization.

"Consumption assistance is an important engine for the sustainable and stable development of industry assistance." Gong Weihua, head of Xiangzhou Xingyuan Poverty Alleviation Market Branch of Zhuhai Vegetable Basket Investment Co., Ltd., introduced that from October 2020, Nujiang agricultural and sideline products, rural revitalization characteristic agricultural and sideline products into communities, institutions, and enterprises and other "six entry" activities were launched to the end of November 2021, and this series of activities has been held 26 times, We have successively walked into Zhuhai's large residential areas, municipal parks, government agencies, enterprises and public institutions with more visitors, and received warm responses from citizens and tourists. Only in September 2021, nearly 1000 orders were sold in the two-day event of the Fifth Central University Hospital, with a sales volume of 360000 yuan.

"The sales profit of agricultural and sideline products is mainly in the middle link. When agricultural and sideline products enter communities, government agencies, etc., consumers can buy fresh and high-quality green goods at home, reducing the middle link, and the price is more advantageous. In addition, agricultural and sideline products have been screened at various levels, ensuring the quality, and also achieving quality traceability." Cai Xuedong, Executive Director and General Manager of Zhuhai Vegetable Basket Investment Co., Ltd., told reporters that, next, the Vegetable Basket Company will focus on the "problem" of Zhuhai helping the county in pairs, go deep into Zunyi, solve the problem of local deep processing and production through a series of hard core measures such as building factories, building production chains and unblocking sales channels, and fully promote Zunyi to accelerate the pace of rural revitalization.

(The original title was "Zhuhai's counterpart helps agricultural and sideline products to enter government agencies and units and contribute to rural revitalization")

Editor (frozen) Dong Wenjing Review Liu Chunsheng Review frozen - Dang Yihao, editor - Fan Jinhua (client)
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