Guangzhou's newly launched "Sound Blue Road" has more fun while walking

Guangzhou Daily · New Flower City reporter Du Juanwen/photo
2021-11-16 20:01

In order to further improve the public's sense of experience and promote the high-quality construction of Guangzhou Bidao, Guangzhou Bidao has a new operation - it is striving to build a "sound Bidao". The first to launch the "Sound Road" is Yuejiang Road Road. The 2.6km Yuejiang Road Road is fun to listen to while walking.

Voice broadcast and guide to Bidao

Find the column of "Sound and Sound"

In order to further improve the public's sense of experience and promote the high-quality construction of Guangzhou Bidao, Guangzhou Bidao has a new operation - it is striving to build a "sound Bidao". The first to launch the "Sound Road" is Yuejiang Road Road. The 2.6km Yuejiang Road Road is fun to listen to while walking.

What is the "sound blue road"? It is the use of Internet cloud technology, with the help of video and audio media, the integration of video and audio experience, to support the public at home, in the office, on the road, on the spot... unlimited time and space, you can enjoy the high beauty of Bidao in real time, listen to the deep connotation of Bidao, and show you the unique charm of Guangzhou Bidao anytime and anywhere.

Details of Bidao are introduced in the applet

How to use the "Sound Blue Road"? Open the "Guangzhou Water Ecology" public account to find the "Sound Blue Road" applet or scan the code in person. The applet includes four functions: "voice broadcast", "wonderful Bidao", "popular attractions" and "Bidao information". "Voice broadcast" is divided into "full broadcast" and "real-time broadcast" functions. Click "full broadcast" to enjoy the explanation of scenic spots on Bidao without time and space restrictions; Select the "real-time broadcast" button to automatically locate, and the system will automatically switch the voice explanation of the corresponding scenic spot according to the public's location.

In the "Wonderful Bidao", the public can choose the Bidao they are interested in, click on the pictures of "popular scenic spots" or "Bidao scenic spots" in a specific Bidao, you will be able to read the introduction of each scenic spot, and also choose to listen to the corresponding voice explanation. Through the integration of map information, Bidao guide map can help the public view all the scenic spots of Bidao. Before the tour, the public can use the map to formulate the tour strategy in combination with their interests, transportation and itinerary. During the tour, the public can experience audio-visual integration, find surrounding facilities in real time, and flexibly adjust the schedule. Click "Clock in" at each scenic spot, and click the avatar on the home page to enter the "Personal Center" to view each clock in record. You can also share the clock in record with relatives and friends to enhance communication.

The first to launch the "Sound Blue Road" this time is Yuejiang Road Blue Road. The demonstration section of Yuejiang Road Blue Road is located in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, which is part of the Pearl River Blue Road, starting from South China Bridge in the west and ending at Pazhou North Chung in the east, with a total length of 2.6 kilometers. Yuejiang Road Bidao, with the concept of "Yuejiang Huike · Urban Life", is built according to the urban high standard Bidao, and is committed to building a modern international metropolis image of waterfront air from west to east. West Children's Park, Xinghua Square, New Era Posthouse, Wave Lawn, Convention Center Wharf, Rainwater Garden, Haisi Hongchuan Square, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Passenger Terminal, East Children's Park Scenic pedestrian bridge, skateboard park and other special attractions All of them are integrated into the tour of "Sound and Green Road", which further radiates the charm of "Green Road+Cultural Heritage", "Green Road+Industrial Cluster", "Green Road+Sponge City", "Green Road+Haisi Culture" and "Green Road+Residents' Life".

(The original title was "Guangzhou's Latest Online" Sound and Green Road ". It's more fun to listen while walking")

Editor (frozen): Liu Guiyao Review Liu Chunsheng Review frozen - Dang Yihao, editor - Fan Jinhua (client)
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