Guangdong Zhuhai Releases 60 Measures to Facilitate the Development of Hong Kong and Macao Residents in Zhuhai

CCTV news
2021-11-12 13:24

Covering 60 specific measures to facilitate Hong Kong and Macao residents to live in Zhuhai, study, employment and entrepreneurship, scientific and technological innovation and development, economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, and social, cultural and educational exchanges

On December 12, the 11th Zhuhai Macao Cooperation and Development Forum was held in Zhuhai. The forum released 60 Measures to Facilitate the Development of Hong Kong and Macao Residents in Zhuhai, covering 60 specific measures to facilitate Hong Kong and Macao residents' living in Zhuhai, schooling, employment and entrepreneurship, scientific and technological innovation and development, economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, and social, cultural and educational exchanges, providing a comprehensive and targeted set of measures for the development of Hong Kong and Macao residents in Zhuhai Practical policy guidelines and business guidelines.

There are 5 chapters and 60 articles in the Measures, of which the first part is "to facilitate Hong Kong and Macao residents to live in Zhuhai" (16 measures), mainly involving social security, housing, sports, travel and other contents of Hong Kong and Macao residents in Zhuhai. The second part, "Facilitating Hong Kong and Macao residents to study, work, and start businesses in Zhuhai" (11 measures), mainly involves Hong Kong and Macao residents to study, work, start businesses, and practice in Zhuhai. The third part, "Promoting the scientific and technological innovation cooperation between Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao" (8 measures), mainly involves the cultivation of innovative Hong Kong funded and Australian funded enterprises, the coordinated development of industry, education and research in Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao, and support for the construction of scientific and technological innovation projects in key fields. The fourth part, "Deepening the Economic and Trade Exchange and Cooperation between Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao" (15 measures), mainly involves improving the business environment, facilitating the investment and business development of Hong Kong and Macao enterprises and Hong Kong and Macao residents in Zhuhai, using cross-border payments and carrying out financial cooperation. The fifth part "Promoting social, cultural and educational exchanges between Zhuhai and Macao" (10 measures), mainly involving community exchanges, cultural exchanges, educational exchanges, cultural industries, etc.

The Measures attach importance to institutional breakthroughs, reflect precise policy implementation, and highlight innovation leadership. They also attach implementation rules of nearly 130000 words for detailed interpretation, so as to make Hong Kong and Macao residents more comfortable in applying these policies and ensure the effectiveness of the policies.

Zhuhai and Macao have entered a new development stage of "You have me, I have you". It is reported that more than 120000 Macao residents have applied for residence permits in Zhuhai, accounting for 17.6% of the total number of Macao residents. The number of Macao residents participating in pension insurance for urban and rural residents and enterprise employees in Zhuhai, the number of people participating in basic medical insurance in Zhuhai, and the number of people buying houses in Zhuhai all exceed 40000.

(Originally titled "Guangdong Zhuhai Releases 60 Measures to Facilitate the Development of Hong Kong and Macao Residents in Zhuhai")

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