The deduction policy of R&D expenses has been increased! In the first three quarters, Zhuhai enterprises enjoyed nearly 7 billion yuan of "policy bonus"

Sea View and Media Melting She Yingwei
2021-11-05 20:57

Zhuhai tax authorities have strengthened policy publicity, strengthened targeted guidance for enterprises, promoted direct and fast access to preferential policies, and helped enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, fully enjoy policy dividends.

"Our R&D investment this year exceeded 40 million yuan. According to the new policy, we can enjoy more than 10 million yuan of corporate income tax relief than before, which has saved a large amount of funds to continue to increase R&D investment." Today, after seeing the amount of corporate R&D expenses plus deductions in the first three quarters of this year, Li Songqing, a tax officer of Zhuhai High tech Enterprise Changyuan Power, said.

Li Songqing said that the favorable policies refer to the recently released Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Further Implementing the Policy of Plus Deduction of R&D Expenses. It is understood that since January 1 of this year, the proportion of R&D expenses added and deducted by manufacturing enterprises has increased from 75% to 100%. On September 13, the State Administration of Taxation issued the Announcement on the policy of additional deduction of R&D expenses. It decided to allow enterprises to choose to enjoy the preferential policy of additional deduction of R&D expenses in the first three quarters in advance when applying for advance payment in October this year.

The so-called extra deduction of R&D expenses of enterprises refers to the research and development expenses incurred by enterprises for the development of new technologies, new products and new processes. When calculating the taxable income, a certain proportion can be added to the actual amount of expenditures incurred, which can be used as the deduction amount for the calculation of taxable income. In the past, enterprises' R&D expenses were subject to a 175% deduction policy. If the actual expenditure on R&D of new products in the same year was 100 yuan, 175 yuan (100 × 175%) could be deducted before tax to reduce the burden on enterprises and increase their enthusiasm for R&D investment.

"The key point of this' upgraded 'policy is the accounting method of additional deduction of R&D expenses. In the past, enterprises could enjoy preferential treatment only when they made final settlement in the second year, while R&D expenses in the first three quarters of this year could be deducted when they were prepaid in October, so that enterprises can enjoy preferential treatment in advance, effectively increase working capital and relieve capital pressure." Zhong Wenji, head of the income tax section of the Zhuhai Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, told reporters that after the national adjustment of policies, Zhuhai tax authorities will implement them as soon as possible to ensure that Zhuhai enterprises can fully enjoy the policy dividends.

It is understood that Zhuhai tax authorities have strengthened policy publicity, strengthened targeted guidance for enterprises, promoted direct and fast access to preferential policies, and helped enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, fully enjoy policy dividends. In the first three quarters of this year, 1208 enterprises in the city enjoyed the preferential treatment of quarterly R&D fees plus deduction, with a reduction amount of 6.967 billion yuan. Among them, 845 households enjoy 100% additional deduction of new policies for manufacturing industry, with 5.111 billion yuan of tax relief and 778 million yuan of indirect tax relief.

Whether the preferential tax policy has been implemented, enterprises have the most say. "With the increase of the proportion of R&D expenses plus deduction, under the careful guidance of tax officials, the amount of corporate income tax relief enjoyed by the company has increased from 3.08 million yuan in 2017 to 4.77 million yuan in 2020." Qin Liufang, the financial director of Zhuhai Jialianxin Consumables Co., Ltd., said that after the implementation of the policy, the company cashed in the amount of corporate income tax relief eight months in advance, It has won more funds for enterprises to invest in the research and development of new technologies and products.

Edited by Qin Tian Reviewed by Liu Chunsheng Reviewed by Zheng Weiheng

(Author: She Yingwei)
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