Zhuhai will hold "Farmers' Harvest Festival" with more than 40 activities divided into four parts

Zhuhai Special Zone News Tang Qizhen
2021-09-20 07:21

The 2021 Zhuhai "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" will be opened in Guishan Town on September 23.

On September 19, the reporter learned from Zhuhai Agricultural and Rural Bureau that, The 2021 Zhuhai "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" will be opened in Guishan Town on September 23. The theme of this activity is "Celebrating the Harvest, Feeling the Party's Grace", which is divided into four parts, namely "Harvest Season", "Consumption Season", "Tourism Season" and "Thanksgiving Season", with more than 40 activities in total.

This year's harvest festival will focus on the achievements of rural revitalization and agricultural harvest in Zhuhai. The new achievements of agricultural development, the new atmosphere of rural environment and the new outlook of farmers' life will be demonstrated through activities such as rural revitalization exhibition, rural food, rural cultural innovation, fun sports meet, harvest party, rural revitalization lecture hall and "Cantonese cuisine master" skill contest.

The harvest festival is a farmer's festival. In order to enhance the sense of participation of farmers and show the sense of festival ceremony, this harvest festival will hold a number of celebration activities with farmers as the main body, such as farmers' harvest singing festival, farmers' harvest sports meeting, etc.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. The activities will reflect the celebration of the Party and the festival of the people, and integrate the activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the learning and education of the Party history into the exhibition. A special exhibition hall with the theme of "Feeling Party Benevolence" was set up at the activity site, and the "Celebrating Harvest and Feeling Party Benevolence" research camp was launched. Zhuhai and Macao teenagers were continuously invited to the island to carry out harvest research activities, so as to get a close understanding of the achievements of rural revitalization and red tourism resources in Zhuhai.

This "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival" in Zhuhai will actively explore a new model of rural revitalization, take the official website of harvest and micro economy as the exhibition center of agricultural products, achieve unified prices, fast orders, door-to-door delivery, and create a "closed harvest festival".

(The original title is "Zhuhai will hold" Farmers Harvest Festival ", which is divided into four parts, with more than 40 activities in total")

Editor Qin Tian Reviewed Wu Jianlin Reviewed Zheng Weiheng

(Author: Tang Qizhen)
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