Zhuhai's first community public health committee was established in the High tech Zone

Sea View and Media Melting
2021-09-14 13:31

We will take the lead in organizing and strengthening the community public health work network and the community public health defense line.

On September 13, the High tech Zone held the unveiling ceremony of the Qianhuan Community Public Health Committee. Xu Chaolong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Zhuhai Health Bureau, said, This is the first community public health committee in the city , marking a new step in the construction of the public health committee system in the High tech Zone and even the whole city.

In August this year, Zhuhai Municipal Health Bureau issued the Notice on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Village (Residents) Public Health Committees (ZW [2021] No. 231), requiring that all village (residents) committees in Zhuhai should set up public health committees by the end of 2021. After receiving the document, the High tech Zone attached great importance and took the lead in launching the construction of community public health committees in the city.

It is understood that the public health committee is one of the sub committees of the village committee and neighborhood committee. Under the leadership of the village (community) party organization, it receives guidance from the town government (sub district office) and the health administrative department. The Public Health Committee mainly undertakes six basic responsibilities: first, to play a coordinating role among all parties and cooperate in the prevention and control of major epidemics; Second, coordinate, organize and mobilize the public health work within the jurisdiction, assist in carrying out basic public health services, vaccination, emergency medical rescue, and collect important health information such as epidemic situation in the report; Third, organize and mobilize the masses to carry out patriotic health campaigns and maintain public environmental health; Fourth, carry out health policy publicity and popularize health knowledge; Fifth, organize the villagers (residents) to carry out democratic evaluation and supervision of health work; Sixth, assist in other health work.

Li Baowei, Director of the Social Affairs Bureau of the High tech Zone, said, As the first community public health committee in the city, the Qianhuan Community Public Health Committee will become the "receiving tower" for the community to respond to public health emergencies, capture the "weak signal" of public health risks, and the "main position" for providing normal services, and play a leading and exemplary role in organizing the community public health work network and community public health defense lines.

Next, the High tech Zone will continue to promote the construction of community public health committees, and strive to achieve full coverage of all community public health committees in the region within this week. At the same time, further strengthen the guidance and training of key personnel of the community public health committee, and strengthen the disease prevention and control functions of the town health center and community health service center.

In addition, the High tech Zone will make full use of existing resources, coordinate all departments and forces, give full play to the advantages and roles of community medical staff, representatives of owners' committees, enterprise representatives, community volunteers and other resources, work together to promote the establishment of community public health committees, improve the prevention and control ability of the grass-roots level, weave protective nets, and build solid separation walls, We will provide effective protection for people's health.

(Original title: Zhuhai's First Community Public Health Committee was established in the High tech Zone)

Edited by Gao Yuan Reviewed by Liu Chunsheng Reviewed by Zhang Xuesong and Wang Wen

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