@Attention Zhuhai people! Do not participate in medical insurance repeatedly, otherwise

Sea View and Media Melting Wang Fang
2021-09-12 17:51

Since July, some insured persons who have participated in the medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Zhuhai have found that the medical insurance premiums from July to December 2021 cannot be withheld. The reporter learned from Zhuhai Social Security Fund Management Center that the reason is that this part of the insured has repeatedly participated in medical insurance in other regions outside Zhuhai.

Since July, some insured persons who have participated in the medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Zhuhai have found that they cannot withhold the medical insurance premiums from July to December 2021. The reporter learned from Zhuhai Social Security Fund Management Center that, The reason why this part of the insured cannot withhold medical insurance premiums is that they have repeatedly participated in medical insurance in other regions outside Zhuhai.

According to the national medical insurance policy, the same insured person cannot participate in the insurance repeatedly within the same time period. It is understood that in the first half of this year, Zhuhai has launched the national medical security information platform. After verification by the platform, it is found that there are insured persons who have participated in the medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Zhuhai, and also participated in the employee medical insurance or urban and rural residents medical insurance in other places, as well as those who have enjoyed the retirement benefits of employee medical insurance, This part of the insured can no longer withhold the medical insurance fees of urban and rural residents.

"The above insured persons shall not participate in the resident medical insurance in Zhuhai again, and will receive the prompt message sent by the Zhuhai Social Security Center via WeChat or SMS in the near future, otherwise they will not enjoy the medical insurance benefits," said the relevant personnel of Zhuhai Social Security Fund Management Center.

How to deal with the medical insurance relationship of the insured with repeated insurance in Zhuhai? It is understood that if the insured has already enjoyed the retirement benefits of medical insurance for employees in other places, please go through the procedures of medical insurance suspension for residents in Zhuhai through WeChat "Zhuhai Social Insurance", "Zhuhai Social Insurance Palm Office" or "Zhuhai Human Resources and Social Security Online Service Platform" in a timely manner, so that the insured can enjoy the retirement benefits of medical insurance for employees in other places as required. If the insured person lives in Zhuhai for a long time, he/she can go through the direct settlement procedures for medical treatment in other places to facilitate medical treatment reimbursement.

The insured has repeatedly participated in the employee medical insurance in another place. If it is necessary to continue to participate in the resident medical insurance in Zhuhai, it is necessary to immediately go through the formalities for the suspension of the employee medical insurance in another place. After the suspension of the medical insurance in another place, Zhuhai will withhold the resident medical insurance fees and enjoy the medical insurance benefits of Zhuhai residents. If the insured chooses to retain the medical insurance in other places, please go through the procedures for the suspension of medical insurance for Zhuhai residents in time.

If the insured has repeatedly participated in the resident medical insurance in another place, but there is no payment or arrears information of this year in another place, if he/she needs to continue to participate in the resident medical insurance in Zhuhai, he/she needs to immediately go through the procedures for stopping the medical insurance for non local residents. After the non local medical insurance is stopped, Zhuhai will withhold his/her resident medical insurance premiums and enjoy the medical insurance benefits of Zhuhai residents according to regulations. If the insured chooses to retain the medical insurance in other places, please go through the procedures for the suspension of medical insurance for Zhuhai residents in time.

If the insured has participated in resident medical insurance in a different place and has information about payment or arrears in the current year, he or she will not be able to pay the medical insurance premiums and enjoy the medical insurance benefits of Zhuhai residents in the second half of 2021. If such insured person needs to continue to participate in the resident medical insurance in Zhuhai, he/she must complete the procedures for stopping the medical insurance in other places before December 15, 2021, and Zhuhai will withhold the resident medical insurance fees from January 2022.

The person in charge reminded that the national medical security information platform has been gradually launched in all parts of our province, and the next step will be launched in all parts of the country. If the insured person repeatedly participates in medical insurance, the information platform will be intercepted according to regulations. In order to avoid violation of medical insurance laws and policies, which may affect my enjoyment of medical insurance benefits, the insured should clear up repeated insurance in time.

(The original title "@ Zhuhai People Attention! Do not participate in medical insurance repeatedly, otherwise...")
Editor (frozen): Liu Guiyao Review Liu Chunsheng Review and edit - Fan Jinhua (client)
(Author: Wang Fang)
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