Women were defrauded of 50000 yuan by "customer service", and Xiangzhou police came to dissuade them to avoid greater losses

Sea View and Media Melting Arhat chapter
2021-09-02 17:27

On September 2, the reporter learned from Xiangzhou Branch of Zhuhai Public Security Bureau that a woman was defrauded of 50000 yuan by a fake customer service. Fortunately, the police came to the door in time to dissuade the victim, avoiding greater losses.

The order number and other details of online shopping were told one by one, and they were cheated to become an agent of a company, and 500 yuan of agency fee was deducted every month... Reporters learned from Xiangzhou Branch of Zhuhai Public Security Bureau on September 2 that a woman was defrauded of 50000 yuan by a fake customer service. Fortunately, the police came to the door in time to dissuade her, avoiding greater losses of the victim.

On the afternoon of August 26, Cuixiang Police Station of Xiangzhou Public Security Branch received an anti fraud warning message. Ms. Du was being defrauded by fraudsters in the form of posing as customer service. After receiving the warning information, Ren, a police officer on duty at Cuixiang Police Station, immediately tried to dissuade Ms. Du by calling her phone number, but her phone was still in the call state and could not be connected.

Officer Ren then took his colleagues with him, hoping to find Ms. Du to dissuade him face to face. "Is there anyone at home? We are policemen from the Cuixiang Police Station of Xiangzhou Branch." After arriving at Ms. Du's house, Officer Ren immediately knocked on the door, but heard a woman in the room respond in a panic, "Wait a minute, I'm talking about the refund of goods with someone else." Officer Ren realized that Ms. Du might have transferred money, and shouted in the room, "Stop talking, the other party is a liar. Stop transferring money and open the door! "

With the continuous knocking of the police officer and colleagues, Ms. Du finally opened the door carefully. After learning about the situation, Ren found that Ms. Du had already transferred 50000 yuan to the other party and was planning to continue to transfer funds to the other party. Ms. Du told Officer Ren that the other party accurately gave her order number and other online shopping information, which made her believe in the identity of the other party's customer service. The "customer service" also told Ms. Du that if she was set up as an agent of a company, she would be deducted 500 yuan of agency fee every month. "Fortunately, you arrived in time and told me the truth, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

After listening to Ms. Du's story, Officer Ren comforted Ms. Du and accompanied her to the Anti fraud Center of Xiangzhou Public Security Branch to report the case. In the meantime, the fraudster still did not give up, and carried out "phone bombing" on Ms. Du, asking Ms. Du to continue to transfer money to her.

Xiangzhou Public Security Bureau Reminds Citizens When you receive a call from a self proclaimed customer service person, you should be careful and not credulous. If you have any questions, please call the official customer service hotline directly for consultation and verification. At any time, the verification code is an important barrier to protect the security of funds and should not be disclosed to others.

(The original title was "Women were defrauded of 50000 yuan by" customer service ", and Xiangzhou police came to persuade them to avoid greater losses")
Editor (frozen): Liu Guiyao Review Wu Jianlin Review frozen - Dang Yihao, News Network - Cao Liang
(Author: Luo Hanzhang)
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