Tianwei Charity Special Fund helped 25 poor students in Zhuhai realize their college dream

Sea View and Media Melting
2021-08-20 18:29

Warm heart! On the morning of August 20, Tianwei Charity Special Fund again allocated 127000 yuan to support 25 poor college students with Zhuhai household registration.

On the morning of August 20, the 2021 Tianwei Charity Special Fund Release Ceremony, sponsored by Zhuhai Charity Federation, Tianwei Feima Printing Consumables Co., Ltd. and co organized by Zhuhai Media Group, was held at the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao 3D Printing Industry Innovation Center. The special fund of Tianwei Charity Education again allocated 127000 yuan to support 25 poor college students with Zhuhai household registration.

The scene of the special fund distribution ceremony of Tianwei Charity Student Aid in 2021 for "helping dreams and enabling the future".

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the ceremony was broadcast live in full public, inviting students' parents to participate online. At the same time, it also attracted the attention and support of people from all walks of life to Tianwei's charity program. With the help of Tianwei Charity Program, the students gained hope and energy while fulfilling their dreams. At the ceremony, the former students who received donations sent their own voice and wishes and encouragement to the younger students with videos.

Mr. Wu, who was helped by the first batch of Tianwei Charitable Student Aid, has now got married and set up a business. He encouraged the students through a handwritten letter: "In 2005, when I was admitted to South China University of Technology, Tianwei extended a helping hand to me when I couldn't do anything about tuition fees. Now, I can grow from a former recipient to a helper, not only happy, but also proud. I hope that the younger students will work harder to grow up and become talents, and give back the help of the society in the future! "

It is understood that the "Tianwei Charity Fund" was established in 2005 and has helped 909 poor students realize their dreams in 17 years, with a total donation of 3.899 million yuan. Adhering to the charity concept of "everyone for me, I for everyone", Tianwei Charity Fund encourages students to donate 60% of the grant back to "Tianwei Charity Fund" by stages after graduation and starting work, so that this charity can continue to help more poor students. As of July 2021, 200 people have taken the initiative to participate in the donation, with a cumulative amount of 5500200 yuan.

Lei Xiao, vice president and secretary-general of Zhuhai Charity Federation, said that Zhuhai Charity Federation has always been vigorously supporting the development of education and providing all-round services for caring enterprises. For example, it can connect well with the students who receive assistance, and ensure the fairness and impartiality of the whole funding process through preliminary and final evaluations. In the future, it is hoped that more entrepreneurs and social forces will join the ranks of philanthropy, inject more positive energy and love into the society, and help more people in need.

(The original title was "Tianwei Charitable Student Aid Fund Helps 25 Poor Students in Zhuhai Realize Their College Dream")

Editor (frozen): Liu Guiyao Review Han Shaojun Review frozen - Dang Yihao, editor - Fan Jinhua (client)
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